Image interpolation mode in Chrome/Safari?


Solution 1

Edit: It's now possible with image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast;.

This doesn't work in current versions of Chrome, here are some useful links:

I didn't think there was a way.

And some quick Googling all but confirms it; the top Google result for webkit image interpolation is:

Reported in September 2008, and still not resolved.


If I needed this, I'd probably write a PHP script to dynamically scale images up using nearest neighbour.

This will work in every browser, but then you have all that extra processing and transfer overhead.

Solution 2

I've just tried this:

img {image-rendering: pixelated;}

And it works great on Chrome 39.0.2145.4 dev-m

Deniz Zoeteman
Author by

Deniz Zoeteman

Back-end (web)development. Specialised mostly in PHP.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Deniz Zoeteman
    Deniz Zoeteman almost 2 years

    I need to have an image render with nearest-neighbor resizing and not the bicubic way that is currently used. I currently use the following:

    ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor;
    image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;

    This works in IE and Firefox, but not in Chrome and Safari. Are there any webkit alternatives or any other way to achieve this effect?

  • Deniz Zoeteman
    Deniz Zoeteman about 13 years
    I've seen somewhere that it was possible in HTML5 by putting canvases over the image or something along the lines of this?
  • thirtydot
    thirtydot about 13 years
    I don't know anything about that. But even if that's true, it sure sounds like a lot of work to conditionally (if WebKit browser/Opera) use a canvas to render the image. You're also introducing a JavaScript dependency to switch out the <img> with a <canvas>.
  • Deniz Zoeteman
    Deniz Zoeteman about 13 years
    I'll check if my webhost has GD, if so I'll use that. Until I got confirmation of that I won't answer my own question.
  • thirtydot
    thirtydot about 13 years
    The way I imagined it: <img src="upscale.php?image=the-image-filename.png&w=300&h=300" />. Or you could make a nicer URL with the help of .htaccess: <img src="the-image-filename.upscaled_300x300.png" />, or similar.
  • Deniz Zoeteman
    Deniz Zoeteman about 13 years
    This is the php i used: $srcp = imagecreatefrompng("test.png");$destp = imagecreate(150, 150);imagecopyresized($destp, $srcp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 150, 8, 8);header('Content-type: image/png');imagepng($destp);, but the output is strange:
  • thirtydot
    thirtydot about 13 years
    Take a look at the source code of that page. You're appending and prepending HTML.
  • thirtydot
    thirtydot about 13 years
    I'm glad you got it sorted. If that script will be used a lot, you should consider caching the generated images.