Image is not shown in PDF file using dompdf


Solution 1

use full directory path with .jpg image

Solution 2

It works for me.

 <img src="<?php echo $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/placeholder.jpg';?>"/>
 <img src="<?php echo $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'\placeholder.jpg';?>"/>
 <img src="<?php echo $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'./placeholder.jpg';?>"/>

Solution 3

Don't put full path of URL, just put foldername/filename.jpg


<img src="uploads/kuruvi.jpg">

Solution 4

I my case i spend 2 hour finally i got answer img src not working with url or path you should covert it base64 format

$data = file_get_contents('');
$base64 = 'data:image/' . $type . ';base64,' . base64_encode($data);
<?php echo '<div class="company-logo">
    <img src="'.$base64.'"  alt="base" />


<img src="<?php echo $base64; ?>"  alt="base" />
Rakesh Shetty
Author by

Rakesh Shetty

Software engineer with a experience of 5 years in web development.Having an extreme passion to work on Front End technologies as well as on the Server Side. Specialist on : PHP,jQuery, Javascript, Ajax.Codeigniter and other frameworks. HTML, HTML5,CSS MYSQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and other open source database. Social Media Application (Facebook,Twitter,Google Plus and others). API for Android, IOS.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Rakesh Shetty
    Rakesh Shetty almost 2 years

    I am using DOMPDF to convert the html into PDF and after converting I'm sending that PDF file to user mail id.

    Everything is working perfectly but in PDF file I am not able to see the image of logo of my site. I also searched in stackoverflow for previous question such as :- error in pdf image using dompdf , dompdf and img tag, image wont show


    my image tag is :-

    <img src="" alt="" /></a>

    I'm giving full path of my website but still it does not show image in my PDF file.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Rakesh Shetty
    Rakesh Shetty about 11 years
    thank for your reply but absoloute or realtive path doesn't work
  • Ochi
    Ochi about 11 years
    what is your setup? is dompdf on the same server as images you are trying to include?
  • Rameshkrishnan S
    Rameshkrishnan S about 11 years
    a year back I tried png was not working. so I did with jpg image. not sure current status of the dompdf compatability with png.
  • Rakesh Shetty
    Rakesh Shetty about 11 years
    yeah thanks I converted my image to jpg and its working perfectly thanks :)
  • BrianS
    BrianS almost 11 years
    @RakeshShetty FYI, dompdf has to do some pre-processing of PNG images to handle transparency. You'll want to make sure GD support is enabled in PHP.
  • Nic
    Nic almost 9 years
    Very simple answer. Also a very useless one, since you don't explain how to use it. Plus, the whole thing could be simplified to just one line of code, which eliminates the utterly redundant $str and equally badly named $str2: return str_replace($url, "", $data).
  • Developer
    Developer almost 9 years
    sorry about that. while highlighting as code I missed that line. fixed now :)
  • richhallstoke
    richhallstoke almost 9 years
    I can also confirm PNG images do not work properly in v0.5.0, use JPG instead and then there's no problems! Thank you @Rameshkrishnan_S
  • Yevgeniy Afanasyev
    Yevgeniy Afanasyev about 5 years
    This is the best. I could not grasp that "full path" means "local path" until I see this answer. Thank you.
  • Gourav Yadav
    Gourav Yadav almost 3 years
    if you are still getting the issue in image, then you can debug the issue on this file: vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Image/Cache.php you will get the understanding from where the issue is occuring.