Implicit conversion to Runnable?


Solution 1

arg, just answered my own question. I implemented the implicit conversion incorrectly. The correct implementation is

implicit def funToRunnable(fun: () => Unit) = new Runnable() { def run() = fun() }

and you call it like this:

save(() => print("2"))

This will yield "2"

Solution 2

If you wanted to live dangerously, you could convert anything to a runnable:

implicit def whateverToRunnable[F](f: => F) = new Runnable() { def run() { f } }

scala> val t = new Thread(println("Hello"))
t: java.lang.Thread = Thread[Thread-2,5,main]

scala> t.start()

Or you could create your own thread-creator-and-starter:

def thread[F](f: => F) = (new Thread( new Runnable() { def run() { f } } )).start

scala> thread { println("Hi"); Thread.sleep(1000); println("Still here!") }

scala> Still here!

If you wanted to return the thread, then

def thread[F](f: => F) = {
  val t = new Thread( new Runnable() { def run() { f } } )

But all of this, while useful, is perhaps even less useful than scala.actors.Futures (tested only on 2.8):

scala> import scala.actors.Futures

scala> val x = Futures.future { Thread.sleep(10000); "Done!" }
x: scala.actors.Future[java.lang.String] = <function0>

scala> x.isSet
res0: Boolean = false

scala> x.isSet
res1: Boolean = false

scala> x()   // Waits until the result is ready....
res2: java.lang.String = Done!

Solution 3

Actually, you can do it even nicer with call-by-name argument:

implicit def runnable(f: => Unit): Runnable = new Runnable() { def run() = f }



Solution 4

Interesting, this way you can execute code that receives a Runnable and pass it a closure.


scala> new Thread( ()  => print( "Hello" ) ).start()
<console>:5: error: overloaded method constructor Thread with alternatives (java.lang.ThreadGroup,java.lang.Runnable,java.lang.String,Long)java.lang.Thread <and> (java.lang.ThreadGroup,java.lang.Runnable,java.lang.String)java.lang.Thread <and> (java.lang.Runnable,java.lang.String)java.lang.Thread <and> (java.lang.ThreadGroup,java.lang.String)java.lang.Thread <and> (java.lang.String)ja...
       new Thread( ()  => print( "Hello" ) ).start()

scala> implicit def funcToRunnable( func : () => Unit ) = new Runnable(){ def run() = func() }
funcToRunnable: (() => Unit)java.lang.Object with java.lang.Runnable

scala> def doRun( runnable: Runnable ) =
doRun: (Runnable)Unit

scala> doRun( () => print("Hola"))

scala> new Thread(()=>print("Hello")).start()

scala> Hello
Patrick Arnesen
Author by

Patrick Arnesen

Software Team Lead, Currenex Inc.

Updated on June 11, 2022


  • Patrick Arnesen
    Patrick Arnesen almost 2 years

    As an exercise, I tried to create an implicit conversion that would accept a function and produce a Runnable. That way you could call Java methods that accept Runnable objects and use them like closures.

    The implicit conversion is easy enough:

        implicit def funToRunnable(fun : Unit) = new Runnable() { def run = fun }

    However I don't know how to call it. How do you pass in a no-arg function that returns Unit, without having it be evaluated at once? For example, I'd like the following to print "12" but instead it prints "21" because print("2") is evaluated at once.

        var savedFun : Runnable = null
        def save(r : Runnable) = { savedFun = r }

    How do I tell the compiler to treat print("2") as the body of a function, not something to be evaluated at once? Some possibilities I tried, such as

        save(() => print("2"))


        save(=> print("2"))

    are not legal syntax.

  • OscarRyz
    OscarRyz almost 14 years
    I was on the same track. Do you have any idea on why def run = run doesn't work?
  • Randall Schulz
    Randall Schulz almost 14 years
    def run = run will always be an infinite recursion. Even if there's a run defined in an enclosing scope, the one defined by this def will shadow it, guaranteeing a direct, unconditional recursive call.
  • OscarRyz
    OscarRyz almost 14 years
    I meant def run = fun without parens
  • Ken Bloom
    Ken Bloom almost 14 years
    @Support because fun without parentheses just creates a method that returns the function that was passed. To call a function type, you have to use parentheses, otherwise you're just returning the funciton itself.
  • Martin
    Martin almost 12 years
    Runnable is not only used to run stuff in a newly Threads. For example in GUI development it is used to run stuff on the special UI thread.
  • David Frank
    David Frank over 10 years
    Shouldnt it yield 2 instead of 12?