importing multiple functions from a Python module


Solution 1

If you really need that many functions, you are already polluting your namespace.

I would suggest:

import my_module

Or, if my_module has a long name use an alias:

import my_long_module as m

Solution 2

If it's between one or the other, use

from my_module import function1, function2, function3, function4, function5, function6, function7

See "Explicit is better than implicit." in import this.

If you just want a shorter name than my_module.function1, there is always import my_module as mod.

For the few functions you use many times (either type many times so you want a short name or in a loop so access speed is important), there is

func1 = my_module.function1

Solution 3

With a little bit of management you can control what import * imports. Say your my_module has function1..function8 but you only want to make functions 1 through 6 available. In your my_module, reassign the __all__ attribute:

__all__ = ['function1', 'function2', 'function3' ...]

def function1():

# etc...

Now if you use from my_module import *, you'll only import those functions and variables you defined in the __all__ attribute from

Jim Jeffries
Author by

Jim Jeffries

Software developer - mostly working with ruby, javascript and mongoDB at the moment, but have experience with Java, C#, C++, Oracle, Postgres, SQL Server and Python and dabble in Neo4J, Clojure, Haskell, Scala, Go and whatever else takes my fancy.

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Jim Jeffries
    Jim Jeffries almost 2 years

    I am importing lots of functions from a module

    Is it better to use

    from my_module import function1, function2, function3, function4, function5, function6, function7

    which is a little messy, but avoids flooding the current namespace with everything from that module or

    from my_module import *

    Which looks tidy but will fill the namespace with everything from that module.

    Can't find anything in PEP8 about what the limit for how much you should import by name is. Which is better and why?