In C#, is it possible to cast a List<Child> to List<Parent>?


Solution 1

Casting directly is not allowed because there's no way to make it typesafe. If you have a list of giraffes, and you cast it to a list of animals, you could then put a tiger into a list of giraffes! The compiler wouldn't stop you, because of course a tiger may go into a list of animals. The only place the compiler can stop you is at the unsafe conversion.

In C# 4 we'll be supporting covariance and contravariance of SAFE interfaces and delegate types that are parameterized with reference types. See here for details:

Solution 2

Using LINQ:

List<Parent> parentList = childList.Cast<Parent>().ToList();

Documentation for Cast<>()

Solution 3

Back in 2009 Eric teased us that things would change in C# 4. So where do we stand today?

The classes used in my answer can be found at the bottom. To make this easier to follow, we will use a Mammal class as "parent", and Cat and Dog classes as "children". Cats and dogs are both mammals, but a cat is not a dog and a dog is not a cat.

This still isn't legal, and can't be:

List<Cat> cats = new List<Cat>();

List<Mammal> mammals = cats;

Why not? Cats are mammals, so why can't we assign a list of cats to a List<Mammal>?

Because, if we were allowed to store a reference to a List<Cat> in a List<Mammal> variable we would then be able to compile the following code to add a dog to a list of cats:

mammals.Add(new Dog());

We mustn't allow that! Remember, mammals is just a reference to cats. Dog does not descend from Cat and has no business being in a list of Cat objects.

Starting with .NET Framework 4, several generic interfaces have covariant type parameters declared with the out Generic Modifier keyword introduced in C# 4. Amongst these interfaces is IEnumerable<T> which of course is implemented by List<T>.

That means we can now cast a List<Cat> to an IEnumerable<Mammal>:

IEnumerable<Mammal> mammalsEnumerable = cats;

We can't add a new Dog to mammalsEnumerable because IEnumerable<out T> is a "read-only" interface i.e. it has no Add() method, but we can now use cats wherever a IEnumerable<Mammal> can be consumed. For example, we can concatenate mammalsEnumerable with a List<Dog> to return a new sequence:

void Main()
    List<Cat> cats = new List<Cat> { new Cat() };
    IEnumerable<Mammal> mammalsEnumerable =
        AddDogs(cats); // AddDogs() takes an IEnumerable<Mammal>
    Console.WriteLine(mammalsEnumerable.Count()); // Output: 3. One cat, two dogs.

public IEnumerable<Mammal> AddDogs(IEnumerable<Mammal> parentSequence)
    List<Dog> dogs = new List<Dog> { new Dog(), new Dog() };
    return parentSequence.Concat(dogs);

Class definitions:

public abstract class Mammal { }

public class Cat: Mammal { }

public class Dog : Mammal { }
Author by


Updated on June 16, 2020


  • Matthew
    Matthew about 4 years

    I want to do something like this:

    List<Child> childList = new List<Child>();
    List<Parent> parentList = childList;

    However, because parentList is a List of Child's ancestor, rather than a direct ancestor, I am unable to do this. Is there a workaround (other than adding each element individually)?

  • Feidex
    Feidex over 14 years
    Note that this creates a copy of childList, exactly like the not-using-LINQ version by @Andre Pena.
  • Cylon Cat
    Cylon Cat over 14 years
    List<Parent> parentList = childList.OfType<Parent>().ToList(); also works, and is preferable in cases where you are less sure of the content of the starting list.
  • Cylon Cat
    Cylon Cat over 14 years
    @dtb, you get a new list, but I suspect there's a good chance that the objects in the list are the same objects.
  • B Bulfin
    B Bulfin over 14 years
    If Child inherits from Parent, then you can be 100% certain that the cast will work anyway.
  • Lex Li
    Lex Li over 14 years
    Besides, C# 4 will bring in more convenient conversion,
  • B Bulfin
    B Bulfin over 14 years
    lextm: not for lists. List<>s are neither covariant nor contravariant.
  • JoeCool
    JoeCool over 13 years
    Even worse, if the compiler let you do that, your list would end up smaller than expected because the tiger would eat a few of the giraffes.
  • RWC
    RWC over 10 years
    Maybe I am missing something, but this exactly what the post author tried to do, which does NOT work. At run time you will get a System.InvalidCastException, because the type safe collection does not allow the cast. (Using Linq doesn't change a thing). See what Eric Lippert wrote.
  • B Bulfin
    B Bulfin over 10 years
    The thing you are missing is that this construction creates a brand new list, which will not throw any exceptions at run time.
  • Boluc Papuccuoglu
    Boluc Papuccuoglu over 9 years
    @recursive true, so you can use the new list of Parent objects to iterate over,etc. But the List<Parent> is a new object and not a reference to the original, so if you remove one of its elements, the original List<Child> will not be modified, for example.
  • ryanwebjackson
    ryanwebjackson about 4 years
    Does anything change if the type parameter for the "parent" is an interface? It appears that a covariant collection interface solves OP's original problem.
  • Paul Childs
    Paul Childs about 3 years
    ++ for the only one to find the crux of the problem: read-only interface
  • ryanwebjackson
    ryanwebjackson over 2 years
    Gist? This works with IEnumerable<T> but not List<T>
  • ryanwebjackson
    ryanwebjackson over 2 years
    This seems to be related to an ORM object hierarchy. More context is needed for a useful example.