Include an additional counter in the MySQL result set


Solution 1

Try this:

SET @counter = 0; 
Select sub.*
    select orderid, (@counter := @counter +1) as counter,
      round(sum(unitprice * quantity),2) as value
    from order_details
    group by orderid
) sub
order by 2 desc

Solution 2

Try following

SET @counter = 0;
select orderid, (@counter:= @counter + 1) as counter, round(sum(unitprice * quantity),2) as value
from order_details
group by orderid
order by 3 desc
limit 10

Hope it helps...

Uwe Ziegenhagen
Author by

Uwe Ziegenhagen

I have been working with LaTeX since more than two decades, with focus on the the automation of the typesetting process. Besides LaTeX I am a huge fan of Python, work a lot with pandas. Some of my German & English articles can be found here: I am member and board member of Dante e.V. (, the German-speaking TeX/LaTeX users group and contribute regularly to Dante e.V.'s magazine, the "Die TeXnische Komödie". If you want to contact me, use

Updated on June 07, 2022


  • Uwe Ziegenhagen
    Uwe Ziegenhagen about 2 years

    Can I include an additional counter in a MySQL result set? I have the following query which gives me two columns back. I need an additional column (only in the result) indicating the row of each line in the result set.

    select orderid, round(sum(unitprice * quantity),2) as value
    from order_details
    group by orderid
    order by 2 desc
    limit 10

    I need something like the following:

    10865 1 17250.00
    11030 2 16321.90
    10981 3 15810.00
    10372 4 12281.20
    10424 5 11493.20