Inheriting comments from an interface in an implementing class?


Solution 1

GhostDoc does exactly that. For methods which aren't inherited, it tries to create a description out of the name.

FlingThing() becomes "Flings the Thing"

Solution 2

You can always use the <inheritdoc /> tag:

public class Foo : IFoo
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public void Foo() { ... }
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public void Bar() { ... }
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public void Snafu() { ... }

Using the cref attribute, you can even refer to an entirely different member in an entirely different class or namespace!

public class Foo
    /// <inheritdoc cref="System.String.IndexOf" />
    public void Bar() { ... } // this method will now have the documentation of System.String.IndexOf

Solution 3

Use /// <inheritdoc/> if you want inheritance. Avoid GhostDoc or anything like that.

I agree it is annoying that comments are not inherited. It would be a fairly simple add-in to create if someone had the time (i wish i did).

That said, in our code base we put XML comments on the interfaces only and add extra implementation comments to the class. This works for us as our classes are private/internal and only the interface is public. Any time we use the objects via the interfaces we have full comments display in intellisence.

GhostDoc is good start and has made the process easier to write comments. It is especially useful keeping comments up-to-date when you add/remove parameters, re-run GhostDoc and it will update the description.

Solution 4

I would say to directly use the

/// <inheritdoc cref="YourClass.YourMethod"/>  --> For methods inheritance


/// <inheritdoc cref="YourClass"/>  --> For directly class inheritance

You have to put this comments just on the previous line of your class/method

This will get the info of your comments for example from an interface that you have documented like :

    /// <summary>
    /// This method is awesome!
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="awesomeParam">The awesome parameter of the month!.</param>
    /// <returns>A <see cref="AwesomeObject"/> that is also awesome...</returns>
    AwesomeObject CreateAwesome(WhateverObject awesomeParam);

Solution 5

Java has this, and I use it all the time. Just do:

 * {@inheritDoc}

And the Javadoc tool figures it out.

C# has similar marker:


You can read more here:


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Updated on July 08, 2022


  • jumpinjackie
    jumpinjackie almost 2 years

    Suppose I have this interface

    public interface IFoo
        /// Foo method
        void Foo();
        /// Bar method
        void Bar();
        /// Situation normal
        void Snafu();

    And this class

    public class Foo : IFoo
        public void Foo() { ... }
        public void Bar() { ... }
        public void Snafu() { ... }

    Is there a way, or is there a tool that can let me automatically put in the comments of each member in a base class or interface?

    Because I hate re-writing the same comments for each derived sub-class!

    • Olivier Jacot-Descombes
      Olivier Jacot-Descombes almost 8 years
      I not only hate it but it is also difficult to keep them in sync.
  • Ellis Shen
    Ellis Shen over 15 years
    GhostDoc is awesome, one of those things that I didn't know I needed but now can't do without :o)
  • gerleim
    gerleim over 9 years
    I didn't know <inheritdoc /> even exist... But as far as I can see, the comment for this method doesn't show up with intellisense.
  • Eric Dand
    Eric Dand over 9 years
    C# does not have the <inheritdoc/> marker: Sandcastle has it.
  • rbwhitaker
    rbwhitaker over 9 years
    @gerleim Look at Jeff Heaton's answer from a year earlier, and the comment below it. Sandcastle has <inheritdoc/>, not C#.
  • Lensflare
    Lensflare over 8 years
    Automatically generated docs seem like a very bad idea to me. They don't add any useful information but only blow up the code unnecessarily. If a tool can understand what a method does from its name, than a person can also understand and no doc is needed.
  • itmuckel
    itmuckel almost 8 years
    @Lensflare This is so true. I once had to use a framework which had only such generated comments, that added NO information to the method/class. Instead of "This method does this and that" the comments where like "This is method XY of class Z". xD Also you coudn't browse the code, so it went down to trial&error. Never again! :-)
  • Jazimov
    Jazimov over 7 years
    Oh? How? I use ReSharper and I never saw that option when implementing or inheriting an interface... Where is it and how do you use that option?
  • svick
    svick over 7 years
    @Jazimov When you Alt+Enter the override method, there is an option to "Copy documentation from base".
  • Matt
    Matt over 7 years
    I see comments from the interface in intellisense with inheritdoc, and also if there's no code-doc at all on the derived class. But that could be because I have resharper.
  • James Curran
    James Curran about 7 years
    Neither C# nor Java (nor any other programming language) has any of the "XML doc" elements. These are comments. The compilers know nothng about them. They are all strict used by third-party documentation generators, whether that is javadoc or sandcastle or whatever.
  • Horcrux7
    Horcrux7 about 7 years
    In Rider I see also comments from the interface in intellisense with inheritdoc, and also if there's no code-doc.
  • JeffHeaton
    JeffHeaton almost 7 years
    When Java or C# is stated, it USUALLY means the community of associated tools. Neither Java nor C# have much ability in the very literal sense. It would be an academic argument to state that Java or C# lack the ability to connect to a database, because the run time library does that.
  • Dav Evans
    Dav Evans almost 7 years
    Resharper 2017.2 has improved support for inheritdoc
  • CosmicGiant
    CosmicGiant almost 7 years
    @Lensflare While I 100% agree with you as far as relying on the AGDs as is, I should point out that AGDs are not meant to be used as "do it all" magic buttons like that. Instead, they are meant to be used as template-generators to reduce the amount of boilerplate, repetitive documentation you have to write yourself, so you can focus on the important stuff. --- For example, it can generate the <summary>, <param>, <returns>, <throws>, etc... sections for you. Many times with good-enough results; other times needing corrections or expanding, but still reducing overall effort.
  • Trident D'Gao
    Trident D'Gao over 6 years
    people the documentation isn't for developers it's for architects so their butts are all covered: "Hey, can we read the code documentation of your project? Sure, here it is."
  • Douglas Gaskell
    Douglas Gaskell over 6 years
    VS2017 Professional shows inherited comments for me.
  • herzbube
    herzbube over 5 years
    Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 (version 15.9.3) does not show inherited comments for me.
  • Reven
    Reven over 5 years
    That is strange but I can see comments from interface even without inheridoc. (VS Enterprise 2017 15.7.6)
  • ashbygeek
    ashbygeek over 4 years
    Visual Studio version 16.4.0 and newer provide intellisense for this notation!…
  • ashbygeek
    ashbygeek over 4 years
    Visual Studio version 16.4.0 and newer provide intellisense for <inheritDoc/>!…
  • Mike Marynowski
    Mike Marynowski over 4 years
    I'm confused - you said avoid GhostDoc, but at the end there you seemingly endorsed GhostDoc helping make things easier. Can you clarify what you mean?
  • Dennis
    Dennis over 4 years
    Thanks @MikeMarynowski. This is old advice. I think I wanted to say at the time that GhostDoc, like any other generator, will add comments but with almost useless detail e.g. <param name="origin">The origin.</param>. See ghostdoc says the damndest things for more examples. Visual Studio now has much better linting and generators for xmldocs to let you know when parameters + docs don't align so GhostDoc (or other tools) aren't needed anymore.
  • Denis Babarykin
    Denis Babarykin over 4 years
    Thanks for advice! This approach is more explicit and solves the problem of inheritance class description from object class (even when implementing interface).