insert label in between a arrow (not below/above) with edge node, tikz


Changing the \path as follows seems to do the trick:

\path[->] (A) edge[line width=0.742mm] node[ fill=white, anchor=center, pos=0.5,font=\bfseries] {\Huge +} (B);
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Updated on June 08, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    I am trying to draw a graph with an arrow and I would like the label of the arrow to be in between the line (not above or below) like this: how the output should look like : enter image description here

    I'm using the tikz library and edge node to draw the arrow between two nodes. Here it is a minimal example with the label above the arrow:

    \usepackage[letterpaper, margin=1in, top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm]{geometry}
    \definecolor{corn}{rgb}{0.98, 0.93, 0.36}
    \definecolor{emerald}{rgb}{0.31, 0.78, 0.47}
        %Define standard arrow tip
            % Define arrow style
               shorten <=3pt,
               shorten >=3pt,}
    \title{ }
    \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=2pt,on grid,auto]
    \node (A) [draw=black,fill=emerald,double=white,double distance=2pt,shape=rounded rectangle,minimum width=4cm ]{A}; 
    \node[right=9cm of A] (B) [draw,fill=corn,shape=rounded rectangle,minimum width=4cm ]{B};
        (A) edge[line width=0.742mm] node[ anchor=center, above, pos=0.5,font=\bfseries] {\Huge +} (B);

    I've searched online and could not find any example with edge node. I would really appreciate it any help!