Inserting data into MongoDB with mgo


Change entry to:

type Entry struct {
    Id          string `json:"id" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
    ResourceId  int    `json:"resource_id" bson:"resource_id"`
    Word        string `json:"word" bson:"word"`
    Meaning     string `json:"meaning" bson:"meaning"`
    Example     string `json:"example" bson:"example"`

The syntax for Struct Tags does not use commas between tags. I believe this should fix it.

if __name__ is None
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if __name__ is None

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • if __name__ is None
    if __name__ is None almost 2 years

    I'm trying to insert some data in MongoDB using Go.

    Here is the data struct:

    type Entry struct {
        Id          string `json:"id",bson:"_id,omitempty"`
        ResourceId  int    `json:"resource_id,bson:"resource_id"`
        Word        string `json:"word",bson:"word"`
        Meaning     string `json:"meaning",bson:"meaning"`
        Example     string `json:"example",bson:"example"`

    This is my insert function:

    func insertEntry(db *mgo.Session, entry *Entry) error {
        c := db.DB(*mongoDB).C("entries")
        count, err := c.Find(bson.M{"resourceid": entry.ResourceId}).Limit(1).Count()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if count > 0 {
            return fmt.Errorf("resource %s already exists", entry.ResourceId)
        return c.Insert(entry)

    And finally, this is how I call it:

    entry := &Entry{
        ResourceId:  resourceId,
        Word:        word,
        Meaning:     meaning,
        Example:     example,
    err = insertEntry(db, entry)
    if err != nil {
        log.Println("Could not save the entry to MongoDB:", err)

    The trouble is, I was expecting my bson tags to magically work, but they don't. Instead of data being saved as:

    { "_id" : ObjectId("53700d9cd83e146623e6bfb4"), "resource_id" : 7660708, "word" : "Foo" ...}

    It gets saved as:

    { "_id" : ObjectId("53700d9cd83e146623e6bfb4"), "id" : "", "resourceid" : 7660708, "word" : "Foo"...}

    How can I fix this?

  • Admin
    Admin almost 10 years
    this is wrong. not only does Id need to be of type bson.ObjectId but the bson tags aren't necessary except for ResourceId which does not get autoconverted to "resource_id". Uppercase struct fields get lowercased by mgo. Only the json lowercase field name is needed.
  • Gustavo Niemeyer
    Gustavo Niemeyer almost 10 years
    @dalu The _id can actually be of any type. Edit: Well, unless the OP did expect an ObjectId, which isn't entirely clear from the question.
  • TrevorSStone
    TrevorSStone almost 10 years
    @dalu as Gustavo said, the _id does not need to be an ObjectId, That is the default, but not always the required choice. Also, nothing is wrong. I personally think that including the bson struct tag is better practice in the long run even if it is the same. Imagine if a future dev comes along and decides to change the variable "Word" to "Title". Without defining the bson tag, they would be altering the datastore without realizing it. Keeping a bson tag helps maintenance down the line IMO and at worse, makes you type a few more characters for clarity.