
Solution 1

I've found a solution that works for me.

In My Device (Nexus 7) Android 5.0. Lollipop I follow these steps.

After Uninstalling App You will find App Name under Apps List of the Downloaded tab.

  • Go to Settings
  • Apps
  • At the bottom of the list, you will find YourApp with a "NOT INSTALLED" Tag
  • Open
  • Click on OptionMenu and Select "Uninstall for all Users"

After these steps, I successfully install the new app and it's running well.

Solution 2


<uses-permission android:name="${applicationId}.permission.C2D_MESSAGE"/>

Run App... Then Add the permisson again and Run App.


Solution 3

I had the same problem with a custom signature permission on Android-21 and solved it by making sure I was doing a complete uninstall.

This is an edge case that occurs when:

  1. An application defines a custom permission using signature level security
  2. You attempt to update the installed app with a version signed with a different key
  3. The test device is running Android 21 or newer with support for multiple users

Command line example

Here is a command-line transcript that demonstrates the issue and how to solve it. At this point a debug version is installed and I am trying to install a production version signed with the release key:

# This fails because the debug version defines the custom permission signed with a different key:

[root@localhost svn-android-apps]# . androidbuildscripts/my-adb-install Example release
920 KB/s (2211982 bytes in 2.347s)
        pkg: /data/local/tmp/Example-release.apk

# I use uninstall -k because apparently that is similar to uninstalling as a user
# by dragging the app out of the app tray:

[root@localhost svn-android-apps]# /android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb uninstall -k
The -k option uninstalls the application while retaining the data/cache.
At the moment, there is no way to remove the remaining data.
You will have to reinstall the application with the same signature, and fully uninstall it.
If you truly wish to continue, execute 'adb shell pm uninstall -k'

# Let's go ahead and do that:

[root@localhost svn-android-apps]# /android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb shell pm uninstall -k

# This fails again because the custom permission apparently is part of the data/cache
# that was not uninstalled:

[root@localhost svn-android-apps]# . androidbuildscripts/my-adb-install Example release
912 KB/s (2211982 bytes in 2.367s)
        pkg: /data/local/tmp/Example-release.apk

# In spite of the warning above, simply doing a full uninstall at this point turned out to 
# work (for me):

[root@localhost svn-android-apps]# /android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb uninstall

# Release version now successfully installs:

[root@localhost svn-android-apps]# . androidbuildscripts/my-adb-install Example release
898 KB/s (2211982 bytes in 2.405s)
        pkg: /data/local/tmp/Example-release.apk

[root@localhost svn-android-apps]# 

Eclipse example

Going in the opposite direction (trying to install a debug build from Eclipse when a release build is already installed), I get the following dialog:

Eclipse reinstall dialog

If you just answer yes at this point the install will succeed.

Device example

As pointed out in another answer, you can also go to an app info page in the device settings, click the overflow menu, and select "Uninstall for all users" to prevent this error.

Solution 4

I've solved this without having to resort to uninstalling the alternate apk first (what a pain, right?). To successfully install both a debug and release version of an apk, simply use gradle's built-in ${applicationId} placeholder within the AndroidManifest.xml to modify the permissions' android:name values at compile time.

The build.gradle file snippet:

buildTypes {
    debug {
        applicationIdSuffix ".debug"

The AndroidStudio.xml file snippet:

<uses-permission android:name="${applicationId}.permission.C2D_MESSAGE"/>

You can inspect the modified AndroidManifest.xml file within the apk using aapt l -a app-debug.apk to ensure the placeholder was properly applied. If you use various product flavors, I'm sure you can apply a variation of this method to suit your needs.

Solution 5

Remove any "Hard Coded" reference of your package name, from your manifest file.

(This is best practice even if you don't using productFlavors)

For example, if your manifest contains:

<uses-permission android:name=""/>
<uses-permission android:name=""/>


Changed it to:

<uses-permission android:name=""/>
<uses-permission android:name="${applicationId}.permission.C2D_MESSAGE"/>


Then, in your module gradle file, set your relevant applicationId:

signingConfigs {
    stage {
        storeFile file('keystore/stage.keystore')
        storePassword 'android'
        keyAlias 'androiddebugkey'
        keyPassword 'android'
    production {
        storeFile file('keystore/playstore.keystore')
        storePassword store_password
        keyAlias key_alias
        keyPassword key_password

productFlavors {
    staging {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.staging
        applicationId defaultConfig.applicationId + ".staging"
        versionName defaultConfig.versionName + "-staging"

    production {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.production

You can follow this tutorial for more info


Related videos on Youtube

Author by


Updated on July 20, 2022


  • NullPointerException
    NullPointerException almost 2 years

    I am using Google notifications in my app, and until now I have done below in the manifest:

    <!-- GCM -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" /> <!-- GCM requires a Google account. -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" /> <!-- Keeps the processor from sleeping when a message is received. --> 
    <uses-permission android:name="" /> <!-- This app has permission to register and receive data message. --> 
    <!-- Creates a custom permission so only this app can receive its messages. NOTE: APP_PACKAGE.permission.C2D_MESSAGE -->   
    <permission android:name="com.myapp.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" android:protectionLevel="signature" />
    <uses-permission android:name="com.myapp.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" />    
    <!-- END GCM -->

    It worked perfectly until I updated my Nexus 7 to Android 5.0.
    Now when I try to install the app in this device with Eclipse, I get this error:

    INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PERMISSION perm=com.myapp.permission.C2D_MESSAGE pkg=com.myapp

    I don't understand what is wrong? It was working perfectly until Android 5.0.
    I know that I am using C2D_MESSAGE in two lines, permission and uses-permission but I have copied that code from the original Google GCM guide, so it must be fine.

    • AZ_
      AZ_ over 9 years
      What you originally took for an obscure bug (well, I did…) is actually a new security feature preventing two apps from declaring the same custom permission that are signed with a different signature, to be installed on a device
    • Pratik Butani
      Pratik Butani about 2 years
      @NullPointerException Can you please accept the answer as its helpful to many peoples.
  • yajnesh
    yajnesh over 9 years
    Thanks, But You should start your answer with "you can also go to an app info page in the device settings, click the overflow menu, and select "Uninstall for all users" to prevent this error."
  • Jon Willis
    Jon Willis over 9 years
    Bizarre, I just had to do this on my Nexus 6, even though I had uninstalled my APK through the System UI AND it wasn't showing up under installed apps.
  • Jordy
    Jordy over 9 years
    Sry, looked over your comment. We'll just consider this as an extra info post with images.
  • Rudolf Real
    Rudolf Real over 9 years
    Marry me, please. Following your redaction, I went to Settings > Apps, touch in the old version of the app and in the option menu select "Uninstall for all users".
  • Nilzor
    Nilzor about 9 years
    #2 of your precondition list does not have to be true. In my case I'm not updating the app, but installing a debug-build of the same app with different package name as described per this proceudre. This is an issue I don't see a solution to
  • xXJohnRamboXx
    xXJohnRamboXx about 9 years
    I nave nexus 9 with android 5.0.1 and i can't see my app with "noto installed" tag
  • grandouassou
    grandouassou about 9 years
    This answer should be on top as this problem often occurs when you try to install debug and release version of your app on the same device. With this solution you can easily do it. I didn't know you can use variables in the manifest. Upvote!
  • LuFaMa
    LuFaMa over 8 years
    This worked for me, thanks! My issue was slightly different. I'm doing automated testing (Xamarin.UITest) on our mobile app, and I uploaded a different version for some manual testing. When I attempted to load the app (via VS / Xamarin UITest) to the device, I started seeing this issue. Thanks again.
  • Robert
    Robert over 8 years
    it seems that if I define different applicationId in two different productFlavors, and use ${applicationId} the effect will be the same.
  • Robert
    Robert over 8 years
    I think this is more robust solution if you need more then 1 flavor.
  • Sharjeel
    Sharjeel over 8 years
    This one should be the correct answer:
  • Karthikeyan Ve
    Karthikeyan Ve over 8 years
    @Pratik Butani The solution worked for me. I would like to know the reason for getting the error?Could you please explain?
  • Pratik Butani
    Pratik Butani over 8 years
    Its is problem in lollipop only. In that they are not uninstalling app for all user so we have to do that manually. I think.
  • nilsmagnus
    nilsmagnus over 8 years
    This answer does not work if the app is already in production. I cannot expect users of my app to download a new version without the permissions and then install a newer version with the permissions again.
  • yuval
    yuval over 8 years
    If this is happening to you because you have debug and release versions of your app with different names, then an uninstall is not necessary for it to work: you just need to use the ${applicationId} instead of hardcoding it
  • The_Martian
    The_Martian over 8 years
    The error comes back as soon as I add the permissions again. My phone is Verizon Mottorola with Lollypop 5.1 :(
  • Pedro Teran
    Pedro Teran over 8 years
    I believe the problem goes further, under marshmallow, the problem persists, in fact under android 6.0.1 uninstalling for all users doesn't fix the problem
  • JannGabriel
    JannGabriel about 8 years
    Using ${applicationId} instead of static application id solved my problem!! Including when using Flavors!!!!
  • IgorGanapolsky
    IgorGanapolsky about 8 years
    I don't find my app at the bottom of the list with NOT INSTALLED tag. What do you mean?
  • Andrew
    Andrew almost 8 years
    using ${applicationId} fixed the issue for me!
  • Jonik
    Jonik over 7 years
    @yuval's comment is spot on and resolved this for me. Out of the many answer, this one best covers the issue:
  • Vincent
    Vincent over 7 years
    How does this adress the issue mentioned?
  • goemic
    goemic over 7 years
    this should be marked correct. considering that you can't expect from every coworker to do some hack arounds to simply build a project and install the apk
  • Tadej
    Tadej almost 7 years
    In which file is this? -> Android manifest file in the "Properties" directory.
  • TheIT
    TheIT about 6 years
    It would be good to mention that on some versions of Android, you may need to log into each user in turn and uninstall the app, as the application didn't appear under my admin user nor did it show up with the 'pm list packages' command. It only showed up when I logged into the user that had the app installed.
  • Prateek Surana
    Prateek Surana almost 6 years
    Thanks, @jackpile the app runs perfectly fine for me there's just one issue if there are both release and debug builds installed then after installing the debug build the release build opens up instead
  • Ahmed Garhy
    Ahmed Garhy almost 6 years
    this should be marked as the correct answer .. thanks @Jackpile
  • Reaz Murshed
    Reaz Murshed over 4 years
    It gave me Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR]. What might be the reason?
  • CoolMind
    CoolMind over 4 years
    Thanks! I deleted both release and debug versions of the same application.
  • BobbyMick
    BobbyMick over 3 years
    This worked perfectly for me when nothing else would. Thanks for sharing it.