Installing Kali Linux on VirtualBox, on boot it stops on a flashing display


It was a disk space issue!

I discovered this by hitting alt-f2, typing in the username (root) and password, and tried a solution I found on a forum:

use alt+f2 and login into a separate terminal session

remove gnome with sudo apt-get autoremove gnome-core gnome-shell gnome-session

reinstall it sudo apt-get install gnome-core gnome-shell gnome-session


Upon trying to enter the first "remove gnome" line, though, it gave me a fatal error citing disk space.

I created a new machine and allocated 25GB of disk space this time (as opposed to about 10, which was kind dumb now that I think about it) and it works perfectly fine!


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I like 80s music, love the Oxford comma, and play an instrument that Google spellcheck doesn't recognize.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Kiliann
    Kiliann almost 2 years

    This is my first time ever using a VM or installing Linux, so it could just be user error; but I've installed Kali on a VM using VirtualBox and have gotten to where tutorials are saying the system will reboot and take me to the root login screen.

    However, instead of a login screen, I'm confronted with what looks like some kind of command line with green lines text saying [OK] followed by lines in white, and it keeps flickering to black for a few seconds before returning. I've found that I can type letters, but delete, enter, and backspace don't work. Do I need to re-install? Is there a way to fix this?

    EDIT: Screenshot of what keeps flashing is below.

    Here's what keeps flashing on screen at startup.

    • Kiliann
      Kiliann over 6 years
      @dsstorefile You're right :) I may try for something simpler if the problem is too complicated; but Kali is what was recommended to me for the Cybersecurity-esque things I'm looking at doing, so it'd be great if I could get started, even if the learning curve is a little steep. :)
    • Kiliann
      Kiliann over 6 years
      @dsstorefile Added an image above :)
    • Kiliann
      Kiliann over 6 years
      I'm thinking it might be a disk space issue. I'm going to try setting up a new machine with a lot more disk space and seeing if that fixes it.
    • Tim_Stewart
      Tim_Stewart over 6 years
      @G-Man if you don't have a contribution to solving the problem, then stay out of the question. Moving to close EVERY QUESTION you personally don't have an answer to in Kali/Debian is poor. Are we trying to discourage Kali use? No... We are trying to discourage stupid obvious Kali questions, not discourage information security students.