Installing Zend Framework After Xampp


Solution 1

C:\Zend\bin\ is for linux, you need C:\Zend\bin\zf.bat I dont even know how you could run it

To setup ZF you just need to add C:\Zend\library in your include_path

To fix PHP not found you need to add ;C:\xampp\php\ to the environment variable "Path" from

Click Start, Right Click on Computer then click Properties

Then Advanced System settings>Advanced Tab/Environment Variables>System variables>Path/Edit...

enter image description here

Then append to the end ;C:\xampp\php

You should also append ;C:\Zend\bin for easy access to zf.bat [2]

Then to create project do not use cd C:\Zend\bin!! because your project will be created into that directory. Use the full path C:\Zend\bin\zf create project quickstart

or if you did step [2], simply go to your htdocs (with cd your_htdocs_path) or whatever you set in apache for web root and execute zf create projext quickstart

you also might need to setup a virtual host "quickstart" in apache and probably new line in windows hosts file: quickstart because ZF is designed mainly for virtual hosts

Solution 2

you can install the zend framework using PEAR

pear channel-discover
pear install zend/zend

If you don't know where is your PEAR executable, run a file search for "pear", or "pear.exe".

After that, check out the section called "Setting up the CLI tool on Windows" in It will help you set up a easy access to the zf command line tool.

Solution 3

You can also go to your zendFrame work where you have extracted it and then go to bin folder (in my case “C:\xampp\htdocs\ZendFramework\bin”) where you can find zf.bat . Edit it with any editer and go to

“SET PHP_BIN=php.exe ”

and set it to

“SET PHP_BIN=C:\xampp\php\php.exe”

and it worked for me…

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years

    I am running Windows 7 and am using Xampp. I would like to install the Zend framework for PHP, but I am having difficulties understanding how to install it. I have used the Zend framework before, but it was already installed on the Linux system I was working on.

    I am reading through the Zend documentation here:

    I am having trouble with updating the includes_path portion. My original include path was include_path = ".;C:\xampp\php\PEAR", but I updated it to include_path = ".;C:\Zend".

    I then followed the directions for creating a new project by opening the command line tool and running % C:\Zend\bin\ create project testproject in the desired directory. I get the following error message: '%' is not recognized as an internal or external command, or a batch file.

    Some help with this would be greatly appreciated.