Interceptor Angular 4.3 - Set multiple headers on the cloned request


Solution 1

Angular 4.3+

Set multi headers in Interceptor:

import {
} from '@angular/common/http';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';

import {environment} from '../../../../environments/environment';

export class SetHeaderInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
  intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {

    const headers = new HttpHeaders({
      'Authorization': 'token 123',
      'WEB-API-key': environment.webApiKey,
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    const cloneReq = req.clone({headers});

    return next.handle(cloneReq);

Solution 2

My code worked with the following approach to add new headers to replace previous values by new values:

headers: req.headers.set('token1', 'asd')
.set('content_type', 'asd')
.set('accept', 'asd')

Solution 3

The new HTTP client works with immutable headers object. You need to store a reference to the previous headers to mutate the object:

 myLovellyHeaders(headers: Headers) {
     let p = headers.set('token1', 'asd');   
     p = p.set('token2', 'lol');
     if (localStorage.getItem('token1')) {
        p = p.set('token3', 'gosh');

See Why HttpParams doesn't work in multiple line in angular 4.3 to understand why you need to store the reference to the returned value.

It's the same thing for headers:

export class HttpHeaders {
  set(name: string, value: string|string[]): HttpHeaders {
    return this.clone({name, value, op: 's'});

  private clone(update: Update): HttpHeaders {
    const clone = new HttpHeaders();
    clone.lazyInit =
        (!!this.lazyInit && this.lazyInit instanceof HttpHeaders) ? this.lazyInit : this;
    clone.lazyUpdate = (this.lazyUpdate || []).concat([update]);
    return clone;

To learn more about mechanics behind interceptors read:

Solution 4

To append to the existing header of a cloned request (like in an HTTP Interceptor), the code below works (using Angular 5.x). In the case below, it appends to the existing header (which in my case includes the XSRF-TOKEN cookie automatically included by Angular) with a JWT Authorization token stored in sessionStorage:

export class TokenInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {

    constructor() { }
    intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {

        let headers = request.headers
            .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${sessionStorage.getItem('authToken')}`);

        const cloneReq = request.clone({ headers });

        return next.handle(cloneReq);
Author by


/** * Asking the right questions is infinitely more important than knowing the right answers. * Angular, Typescript */

Updated on October 12, 2020


  • 39ro
    39ro over 3 years

    I just noticed that the Header Object that was possible to use in the previous HTTP RequestsOption is not anymore supported in the new Interceptor.

    It's the new Interceptor logic:

    // Get the auth header from the service.
    const authHeader = this.auth.getAuthorizationHeader();
    // Clone the request to add the new header.
    const authReq = req.clone({headers: req.headers.set('Authorization', authHeader)});

    I have, now, two ways to add my headers in this request:


    headers?: HttpHeaders;
        headers: req.headers.set('token1', 'asd')

    setHeaders?: {
       [name: string]: string | string[];
        setHeaders: {
                 'token1': 'asd',
                 'token2': 'lol'

    How can I add multiple headers conditionally on this request? Same to what I used to do with the Header Object:

     myLovellyHeaders(headers: Headers) {
        headers.set('token1', 'asd');
        headers.set('token2', 'lol');
         if (localStorage.getItem('token1')) {
         headers.set('token3', 'gosh');
        const headers = new Headers();