Introspection to get decorator names on a method?


Solution 1

If you can change the way you call the decorators from

class Foo(object):
    def bar(self):


class Foo(object):
    def bar(self):

then you could register the decorators this way:

def register(*decorators):
    def register_wrapper(func):
        for deco in decorators[::-1]:
        return func
    return register_wrapper

For example:

def many(f):
    def wrapper(*args,**kwds):
        return f(*args,**kwds)
    return wrapper

decos = here = many

class Foo(object):
    def bar(self):


Here we access the tuple of decorators:

# (<function many at 0xb76d9d14>, <function decos at 0xb76d9d4c>, <function here at 0xb76d9d84>)

Here we print just the names of the decorators:

print([d.func_name for d in])
# ['many', 'decos', 'here']

Solution 2

I'm surprised that this question is so old and no one has taken the time to add the actual introspective way to do this, so here it is:

The code you want to inspect...

def template(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

baz = template
che = template

class Foo(object):
    def bar(self):

Now you can inspect the above Foo class with something like this...

import ast
import inspect

def get_decorators(cls):
    target = cls
    decorators = {}

    def visit_FunctionDef(node):
        decorators[] = []
        for n in node.decorator_list:
            name = ''
            if isinstance(n, ast.Call):
                name = n.func.attr if isinstance(n.func, ast.Attribute) else
                name = n.attr if isinstance(n, ast.Attribute) else


    node_iter = ast.NodeVisitor()
    node_iter.visit_FunctionDef = visit_FunctionDef
    return decorators

print get_decorators(Foo)

That should print something like this...

{'bar': ['baz', 'che']}

or at least it did when I tested this with Python 2.7.9 real quick :)

Solution 3

I've add the same question. In my unit tests I just wanted to make sure decorators were used by given functions/methods.

The decorators were tested separately so I didn't need to test the common logic for each decorated function, just that the decorators were used.

I finally came up with the following helper function:

import inspect

def get_decorators(function):
    """Returns list of decorators names

        function (Callable): decorated method/function

        List of decorators as strings


        def decorated_function():

        >>> get_decorators(decorated_function)
        ['@my_decorator', '@another_decorator']

    source = inspect.getsource(function)
    index = source.find("def ")
    return [
        for line in source[:index].strip().splitlines()
        if line.strip()[0] == "@"

With the list comprehension, it is a bit "dense" but it does the trick and in my case it's a test helper function.

It works if you are intrested only in the decorators names, not potential decorator arguments. If you want to support decorators taking arguments, something like line.strip().split()[0].split("(")[0] could do the trick (untested)

Finally, you can remove the "@" if you'd like by replacing line.strip().split()[0] by line.strip().split()[0][1:]

Solution 4

That's because decorators are "syntactic sugar". Say you have the following decorator:

def MyDecorator(func):
    def transformed(*args):
        print "Calling func " + func.__name__
    return transformed

And you apply it to a function:

def thisFunction():
    print "Hello!"

This is equivalent to:

thisFunction = MyDecorator(thisFunction)

You could embed a "history" into the function object, perhaps, if you're in control of the decorators. I bet there's some other clever way to do this (perhaps by overriding assignment), but I'm not that well-versed in Python unfortunately. :(

Solution 5

As Faisal notes, you could have the decorators themselves attach metadata to the function, but to my knowledge it isn't automatically done.

Braedon Wooding
Author by

Braedon Wooding

Updated on May 30, 2020


  • Braedon Wooding
    Braedon Wooding about 4 years

    I am trying to figure out how to get the names of all decorators on a method. I can already get the method name and docstring, but cannot figure out how to get a list of decorators.

  • Faisal
    Faisal almost 14 years
    This is a great solution. :D It does assume you have access to the code that's assigning the decorators, though...
  • Braedon Wooding
    Braedon Wooding almost 14 years
    Ok this could work, but why can't I just add the code func._whatever='something' into my existing decorator, and test for the value of the _whatever attribute when performing introspection on the method?
  • Faisal
    Faisal almost 14 years
    You can, but then you'll have to dirty every decorator you write with the cross-cutting concern of leaving its tracks behind in the function it modifies.
  • Jmons
    Jmons over 6 years
    Okay, this has problems in python 3 : (at least it seems to, and I'm sure I'm not the best person with knowledge of inspect/ast to comment with that level of certainty); basically I have a the code from what you have above, and inspect.getsource() seems to return with the spaces in front of the def wrapper , which then gives an unexpected indent error on the ast.parse call.
  • Jmons
    Jmons over 6 years
    ALSO when i tried to demonstrate this using hte online run-script tools (which I think script rather then run from a file), I jsut get OSError: source code not available so I suspect there are instances (perhaps also bin runs) where this process won't work. Perhaps it won't work when bin-only runs of python exist?
  • Jaymon
    Jaymon over 6 years
    Which version of python3? I just tested it in python 2.7.13 and python 3.6.4 (which are the versions I have on my computer) and they both worked fine. Also, I'm not sure this will work everywhere, but it's worked everywhere I've needed it. I could definitely see the online run-script having protections for modules like ast and inspect, and probably other things like opening files, since it is, by definition, a more contained environment.
  • Jmons
    Jmons over 6 years
    Thanks for checking: I'll try to have another look but without being able to demonstrate with the nice helpful code sharing it makes it harder. If I can replicated it I'll open it up as a new question and tag you ;)
  • Stanislav Hordiyenko
    Stanislav Hordiyenko almost 4 years
    Works like a charm!
  • ragazzojp
    ragazzojp over 2 years
    This basically works only for your custom @register decorator, we need a more general solution.