invalid syntax points to "return" in python


Your problem is that the line before return is missing its closing square bracket ]. So Python thinks you're still inside the brackets when you get to line 5, and placing return inside brackets is a syntax error.

This is a fairly common problem - if you get a syntax error on a line that looks fine, it's often worthwhile to look at the previous line, and see if your line might be being considered part of that.

Hung Trinh
Author by

Hung Trinh

I am a high school student from Norway learning how to code. I love code:D

Updated on July 14, 2022


  • Hung Trinh
    Hung Trinh almost 2 years

    I am just exploring the vast language of python. I'm heavily relying on the inbuilt error-decetion and googling to debug my programs. I had no luck this time around. Thank you for your time!

    I am getting

    "invalid syntax at line 5"

    Here is my python-code of a simple HANGMAN-game:

    import random
    def __secretword__():
        secret_word = word_list[random.randomint(len(word_list))
        return secret_word #THIS IS LINE 5
    def __ask__():
        ans = input("Would you like to play more? (yes/no): ")
        if ans == "yes"
    word_list = ["nei", "brun", "ja", "smile", "glad", "gal"]
    secret_word = secret_word
    sw_list = list(secret_word)
    guess_lines = ["_"] * len(secret_word)
    mistakes = []
    lives = 2 * len(secret_word)
    user_guess = input("Guess a letter: ")
    while(lives != 0)   
        if user_guess in sw_list:
            i = sw_list.index(user_guess)
            del guess_lines[i]
            guess_lines.insert(i, user_guess)
            print("Lives: ", lives)
            print("Mistakes: ", mistakes)
            if "_" not in guess_lines:
            lives = lives - 1
            print("Lives: ", lives)
    • Cuber
      Cuber over 6 years
      Try defining word_list before the function __secretword__
    • DYZ
      DYZ over 6 years
      You are missing a closing bracket in word_list[random.randomint(len(word_list)). Incidentally, if the error is on line 5, do not post the remaining irrelevant lines.
    • Charles Duffy
      Charles Duffy over 6 years
      BTW, we ask that questions around code have a minimal reproducible example -- the smallest possible self-contained code that produces the same problem when someone else invokes it. This is much, much larger than what you need to produce the question you're asking about.
    • Code-Apprentice
      Code-Apprentice over 6 years
      Whenever you cannot see an error on the line which is indicated in the error message, you should look at the previous line.
    • ifconfig
      ifconfig over 6 years
      Also, on line 10, when you call the function, the return has nowhere to go. Try assigning it to a variable.
    • Hung Trinh
      Hung Trinh over 6 years
      DYZ and Cuber - Thanks! I didn´t see that
  • ifconfig
    ifconfig over 6 years
    There are more small issues... Look around at it.
  • Matthias Fripp
    Matthias Fripp over 6 years
    Yes, but this is why the code is giving "syntax error at line 5" (with a return), which is what the question asked about. Line 10 would be fine (and common) in interactive use, and if anything it constitutes a logical error which could be debugged easily, not a syntax error.
  • Hung Trinh
    Hung Trinh over 6 years
    Yes, I am debugging the whole thing right now. There are many small issues:) Thanks for the heads up ifconfig.