Ionic Dynamic Toolbar Background Color


Solution 1

You can have it work with this code in the HTML:

<ion-toolbar [color]="currentColor"></ion-toolbar>

Add your desired colors in your variables.scss file

$colors: (
   blue:    #387ef5,
   secondary:  #32db64,
   danger:     #f53d3d,
   light:      #f4f4f4,  // the light color we're using
   dark:          #222   // the dark color we're using

In your .ts file, you can initialize your "currentColor" variable to the default color

private currentColor: string

constructor() {
    this.currentColor = 'light';

And then have a function to change to the dark color

changeToDarkColor() {
    this.currentColor = 'dark';

Solution 2

You would generally use ngStyle or ngClass to dynamically set styles for html elements. However ion-toolbar is a custom component of ionic 2. Check toolbar colors docs.


<ion-toolbar color="primary">

The attribute picks the color from the colors map in variables.scss.

Add a color to the map. $colors: (...toolbar-color:green)

and do:

 <ion-toolbar [color]="colorStatus?'toolbar-color':'primary'">
Missak Boyajian
Author by

Missak Boyajian

Updated on August 27, 2022


  • Missak Boyajian
    Missak Boyajian over 1 year

    I have a footer and I want to make its background color dynamic. I am trying to bind the element to a class or give dynamic styling but it is not working. Event it is not taking the style.I have this in my html.

    <ion-footer align="center" style="height: 50px" *ngIf="visibility">
      <ion-toolbar class="testing"> //or// <ion-toolbar style="background-color: lightgreen">

    and this in my .scss

    .toolbar-background.testing {
      background-color: lightgreen;


    .testing {
      background-color: lightgreen;

    only this is working, but I do not know how to make it dynamic.

    .toolbar-background {
      background-color: lightgreen;
  • Missak Boyajian
    Missak Boyajian almost 7 years
    I tried those it is not working, it is not taking the classes
  • Missak Boyajian
    Missak Boyajian almost 7 years
    Thanks! It Worked. I think [color]="currentColor" should be [color]="{{currentColor}}"