iOS/iPadOS safari push api support


Solution 1

iOS 12, 13, and now iOS/iPadOS 14 still doesn't support these features:

  • Web Push Notification
  • Background Sync
  • Page Lifecycle
  • Service Workers on WebViews
  • Universal Links / Link Capturing

So many requests from the community for these features but Apple don't want to hear it. Maybe they think these features have a bigger chance to be unnecessary exploited(spam, etc). And also maybe they want to force developers to create the native application rather than the progressive web application.

Solution 2

iOS don't support the W3C Spec web push notifications yet. But there is a Safari specific API for web notifications. Refer to this answer on multiple options you have.

Update: Corrected the Answer in the above link to clarify proprietary solution is only for OS X - Safari and no solution for iOS Safari yet. Custom in app notification is the best we can do today for iOS Safari.

Solution 3

I tested iOS 12 in beta last week and as Anand said, there is no change about this functionnality and more globally for Progressive Web App because the Web Manifest, in developpement at this moment is not implemented yet.

Niccolò Fanton
Author by

Niccolò Fanton

Self made developer (still working on this 😂), Nerd and coding enthusiasts 🤓

Updated on February 09, 2021


  • Niccolò Fanton
    Niccolò Fanton over 3 years

    Does the iOS/iPadOS version of safari support push api standard with service worker?

    EDIT: there is a petition you can sign to raise awareness on this topic

  • Niccolò Fanton
    Niccolò Fanton about 6 years
    Thanks for the answer but I searched on the documentation and this feature is only for OS and not for iOS. Have you implemented successfully safari push notifications somewhere and checked with iOS safari? Because I can't find anything usefull.
  • Anand
    Anand about 6 years
    Sorry about the confusion. I've updated both the answer for better clarity. Yes. iOS-Safari don't support both the web notification APIs and in app notification is the only option we have for now. We like it or not, that's the limitation for now.
  • Serban Alexandru
    Serban Alexandru almost 5 years
    Has anyone got the chance to test iOS 13 beta ?
  • Adrien
    Adrien almost 5 years
    There are new features for pwa but nothing about push notifications.
  • Daniil Iaitskov
    Daniil Iaitskov over 4 years
    iOS wants to get iE place
  • Max Waterman
    Max Waterman almost 4 years
    local web notifications api isn't supported either - ie