iPhone -- renew team provisioning profile


Solution 1

I had the same "unexpected error" issue with the Team Provisioning Profile when it expired. I fixed it by deleting it in the Xcode Organizer AND in the ADC Provisioning Portal, then hitting renew in Organizer.

Solution 2

Posting this again here..

OK, I had the same problem with the disabled 'Renew' button against my Team Provisioning Profile.

This worked for me.

1) Deleted the expired Team Provisioning Profile from the Xcode Organizer.

2) Deleted the same thing from the developer provisioning portal.

3) Again from Xcode organizer check marked the auto provision and clicked 'Refresh'. it asked for the credentials and in a few seconds added the renewed Team Provisioning Profile.

4) It also added the new profile in the developer provisioning portal.

Solution 3

Refresh and removing the iOS devices did not help on my installation.

But I found that the error messages was misleading. I am also member of the Mac developer program and after choosing "My Mac" under DEVICES and pressing the (+) Add to Portal button, the error message "Your team has no devices for which to generate a provisioning profile." did no longer appear.

So it looks like the error message covers the Mac and not iOS devices even that the URL at the end of the error message links to the iOS development center.

Solution 4

I had the issue that Xcode didn't refresh or renew it's managed Team Provisioning Profile and tried a very long time. I always hit refresh in the Library->Provisioning Profiles - section. Then I tried out the Teams section and after hitting the refrsh button there my Team Provisioning Profile which was managed by Xcode was renewed successfully. Hope this helps some of you.

One more thing: I used the same Apple-ID in three teams. So maybe Xcode failed to separate them while refreshing.

Solution 5

I fixed it by signing into my Apple ID in XCode->Preferences->Accounts tab

enter image description here


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William Jockusch
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William Jockusch

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Updated on April 30, 2020


  • William Jockusch
    William Jockusch about 4 years

    In the provisioning portal, the "renew" button for my team provisioning profile is grayed out. And said profile is expired.

    How can I renew it?

    EDIT: I found the "automatic device provisioning" checkbox and "refresh" button in the organizer in Xcode. But when I select the team profile, check the checkbox, and push the refresh button, I get this message:

    An unexpected error occurred. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact Apple Developer Support (http://developer.apple.com/support).

    I suppose I can go to support, but it would still be better to figure out what the problem is without involving them.

    • William Jockusch
      William Jockusch over 13 years
      I see someone voted to close this. I just want to say that per the faq I think it is relevant as a "matter that is unique to the programming profession."
    • Olie
      Olie over 13 years
      Not sure about your "unexpected error", but I used the automatic...refresh option and it did me just fine, so +1 for the Q&A. NOTE: I had to renew my actual developer certificate (which had also expired) first.
  • William Jockusch
    William Jockusch over 13 years
    Have now tried it. Same problem. Additionally, my device doesn't have iOS4.2 (would that even be possible yet?) -- but it doesn't get that far.
  • Vaerenberg
    Vaerenberg over 13 years
    Ok once again, what is the app id you have used for your mobileprovision file (in the Developer portal) and is it the same as the Bundle Identifier in your plist while trying to sign the app with this mobileprovision?
  • William Jockusch
    William Jockusch over 13 years
    Thanks. I had been deleting it in just Xcode. That didn't do the trick. But when I also deleted it in the Portal, presto!
  • chrisrbailey
    chrisrbailey over 13 years
    Ran into this tonight like others. I had the disabled Renew button in the Provisioning Portal, etc. I was able to just delete it from Xcode Organizer, then Refresh in Xcode, and that re-downloaded it and renewed it. I never had to delete it from the Portal, so YMMV.
  • Albert Renshaw
    Albert Renshaw over 12 years
    In organizer delete the "team" profile from your devices and your "profiles" tabs... then in the developer portal delete it also... now unplug your phone and reconnect your phone, it should automatically reformat the organizer to have the proper connections this time... now right click on the device and select "add device to provisioning portal", finally go to your project files build settings and change the distribution signing settings to the new corresponding team profile.
  • 123
    123 over 11 years
    This was my problem too. Thanks so much!
  • Boris Gafurov
    Boris Gafurov over 11 years
    My certificate was indeed from other machine, that was why I was getting this problem after I had renewed the subscription with Apple. I did what AppAspect suggested i.e. went to other machine and generated .p12 in keychain for all my certificates and opened it on the other machine, they got installed and that was it, I was able to build onto iPhone again.