iPhone Simulator: SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: 7


Solution 1

I had the exact same problem - I reset the iphone simulator and then quit the simulator (i.e. command q) then started it again.


Solution 2

No need to quite the simulator or delete the app..

Just select simulator, press command + shift + h + h and remove the app from background process(long press on app icon) then run your app again.

Solution 3

I started with a new project in Xcode and got the error 3 message, but otherwise same deal. New damn project - so no problems with broken code I added or name mistakes or anything else. But the app would build but fail to run in Simulator with the Springboard -3 error code. I've seen this before lots of times, and the basic kill-the-app-in-simulator, clean-and-run would work, but not this time.

Turns out my old 2007 iMac barely has enough RAM and disk space free any more. I'm running Mavericks, and I hid everything but Xcode and the Simulator, then ran a memory cleaning utility to free up every bit of RAM available (got back up to 1GB free or so), and then the app runs in the Simulator without a hitch. No more Springboard error.

I hadn't seen "too little RAM" listed as a reason for this error yet, so this may be useful for somebody else.

Solution 4

Maybe this will help: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1605042&tstart=72

I had similar issues when I was trying to install my current development on the iPhone and this information about the AppID fixed it.

For quick reference, the AppID you created when you started creating certificates for development and provisioning of your iphone asked you to create a reverse domain name identifier. Something like: QS32H9XPNE.domain.subdomain.companyname.*

To correctly link up your application to the AppID would require you to set the identifier in the application to domain.subdomain.companyname.application.*

Hope this helps

Solution 5

I had same problem, the Simulator would just hang. This is on a fresh install of XC 3.2.5 GM and using Simulator with 4.2 SDK. Apps would run fine on a real device but the simulator would just hang.

I ended up changing the iPhone App Support directory and all sub dirs to 777 access permissions. Not a great idea to 777 -R, but I was desperate and it worked.

$sudo chmod -R 777 ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/

Author by


Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years

    Building an iPhone project results in:

    Failed to launch simulated application: SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: 7

    And the app doesn't install on the simulator. What's this all about? What's SpringBoard and what is error 7?

  • Kevlar
    Kevlar about 15 years
    I had the same problem. Resetting content and settings alone didn't do it; i had to quit and let xcode open it for me to make it work.
  • prakash
    prakash about 15 years
    Quitting xcode didnt seemed to matter much. But restarting simulator does it! Thanks for the tip!
  • Olie
    Olie over 14 years
    FWIW, I just had to quit the sim & re-build/install/run -- didn't need to reset. I suppose there may be other conditions that require reset, but wanted to offer the "try just quitting sim" option as a first cut.
  • Joseph Humfrey
    Joseph Humfrey over 10 years
    Correct answer. But I wish there was a way to fix it permanently. I get this (and have to quit simulator) many times a day right now!
  • Maniac One
    Maniac One over 10 years
    oacis got all his credits just from this answer, thats really amazing :P
  • Alex Zavatone
    Alex Zavatone over 10 years
    I tried this in the 5.0.2 simulator and nothing happens. Safari is the app that appears to be running. Oddly, a short or long press on Safari does nothing. I wish there was a more detailed way to monitor the iOS Simulator.
  • BiscuitBaker
    BiscuitBaker about 10 years
    I had a very similar issue with Error 4 - this fixed it too.