Is iOS 7 Multipeer Connectivity compatible with Android Wi-Fi Direct?


Solution 1

The device is not found by either when advertising or browsing with MultipeerConnectivity. Tried on Galaxy Tab 2:

Trying wi-fi direct + multipeer connectivity

Solution 2

This is what we know:

  1. There's no BTLE/Bluetooth 4.0 advertisement visible on my Texas Instruments Bluetooth Low energy scanner.
  2. No WiFi Direct activity seen by JuJoDi.
  3. Talkkr app can connect while WiFi is off and the connection takes about 10 seconds.

My working theory: the MultiPeer uses Bluetooth Classic, based on the above.

iOS Bluetooth Classic is known to be under the Apple MFA Accessory API's tight control and lockdown, including the MFA authentication challenge-response. Apple controls the MFA encryption keys (either in software or by the accessory authentication chips). It makes it inaccessible to other platforms.

Solution 3

No, the two are not compatible.

The MultipeerConnectivity documentation you linked to explicitly states (emphasis mine):

The Multipeer Connectivity framework provides support for discovering services provided by nearby iOS devices

Although you may be able to hack together a workaround akin to the short-lived iMessage app for Android, I wouldn't recommend it.

Solution 4

Based on my experimentation with iOS 7 AirDrop, it doesn't seem to be using WiFi Direct.
The transfer rates are very low indicating that it may only be legacy Adhoc WiFi (capped at 11 Mbps).
Did you ever read Apple claiming to support Wifi Direct explicitly?
Please read my blog post for details.

Solution 5

I am very interested in this subject as well and I came across these rather old links


AllJoyn® is a collaborative open-source software framework that makes it easy for developers to write applications that can discover nearby devices, and communicate with each other directly regardless of brands, categories, transports, and OSes without the need of the cloud Source: OpenPeer SDK

Open Peer is an open P2P signalling protocol Source: I haven't used any of these libraries but I am interested to add them to my simple game for the fun of it.

source Peer to peer android and iOS with Wifi direct (multipeer connectivity?)

Author by


Updated on January 06, 2020


  • Linuxios
    Linuxios over 4 years

    I've been looking at iOS 7's new P2P networking framework, MultipeerConnectivity, and from the description, it seems to me that it uses a combination of some kind of Wi-Fi Direct technology and Bluetooth PANs.

    Is the Wi-Fi Direct technology in this framework compatible with Android's Wi-Fi Direct? Can this framework actually be used for cross-platform P2P networking?

  • Linuxios
    Linuxios over 10 years
    I know apple says that. I mean, if you fire up an android wifi directs listener, do you see the connection? Thanks anyway.
  • Joel Fischer
    Joel Fischer over 10 years
    I tried it, and I did not see the connection on either device.
  • Linuxios
    Linuxios over 10 years
    Thanks. I'm going to wait a little to give out the bounty though.
  • Linuxios
    Linuxios over 10 years
    Huh. Expected as much. Thanks a lot Apple. I think I'm going to give you the bounty.
  • André Fratelli
    André Fratelli over 9 years
    What's this MFA thing?
  • Zmicier Zaleznicenka
    Zmicier Zaleznicenka over 8 years
    The guy with a Galaxy Tab just above.
  • Linuxios
    Linuxios about 8 years
    Thanks for the answer. BLE was definitely on the table, but the nearly nonexistent android stack was posing a problem. Either way, the whole project took a different turn in the end.
  • thesummersign
    thesummersign over 5 years
    this statement is now updated to say "Support peer-to-peer connectivity and the discovery of nearby devices" May be to encompass other devices in Apple's eco-system.