Is it possible to batch convert csv to xls using a macro?


Solution 1

In a lot less lines of code, this should get you what you want. However, I will say this may not be the fastest way to get it done, because you are opening, saving, and closing the workbook every time. I will look for a faster way, but I forget the method off the top of my head.

Sub batchconvertcsvxls()

Dim wb As Workbook
Dim strFile As String, strDir As String

strDir = "C:\"
strFile = Dir(strDir & "*.csv")

Do While strFile <> ""

    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(strDir & strFile)
    With wb
        .SaveAs Replace(wb.FullName, ".csv", ".xls"), 50 'UPDATE:
        .Close True
    End With
    Set wb = Nothing

End Sub

** UPDATE ** you need the proper fileformat enumeration for a .xls file. I think its 50, but you can check here Excel File Type Enumeration, if it's not.

Solution 2

By combining the code given by Scott Holtzman and 'ExcelFreak', the conversion works quite well. The final code looks something like this:

Sub CSV_to_XLS()

Dim wb As Workbook
Dim strFile As String, strDir As String

strDir = "U:\path\"
strFile = Dir(strDir & "*.csv")

Do While strFile <> ""

    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strDir & strFile, Local:=True)
    wb.SaveAs Replace(wb.FullName, ".csv", ".xls"), 50 'UPDATE:
    wb.Close True

    Set wb = Nothing
    strFile = Dir

End Sub

Opening the converted .xls file throws a warning everytime:

"The file you are trying to open, 'filename', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?"

Clicking Yes then opens the .xls file.

Is there a way to get rid of this warning message? Excel throws a warning everytime the .xls file is opened.

Solution 3

The Code of Scott Holtzman nearly did it for me. I had to make two changes to get it to work:

  1. He forgot to add the line that makes our loop continue with the next file. The last line before the Loop should read

    strFile = Dir

  2. The Workbooks.Open method did not read my CSV files as expected (the whole line ended up to be text in the first cell). When I added the parameter Local:=True it worked:

    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strDir & strFile, Local:=True)

Alistair Weir
Author by

Alistair Weir

Data analyst

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Alistair Weir
    Alistair Weir almost 2 years

    I have a large amount of csv files that I need in .xls format. Is it possible to run a batch conversion with a macro or best done with another language?

    I have used this code to reference my directory but I'm not sure of the command to open each file and save them. Here's what I have:

    Sub batchconvertcsvxls()
        Dim wb As Workbook
        Dim CSVCount As Integer
        Dim myVar As String
        myVar = FileList("C:\Documents and Settings\alistairw\My Documents\csvxlstest")
        For i = LBound(myVar) To UBound(myVar)
            With wb
                Application.Workbooks.OpenText 'How do I reference the myvar string ?
                wb.SaveAs '....
            End With
    End Sub
    Function FileList(fldr As String, Optional fltr As String = "*.*") As Variant
        Dim sTemp As String, sHldr As String
        If Right$(fldr, 1) <> "\" Then fldr = fldr & "\"
        sTemp = Dir(fldr & fltr)
        If sTemp = "" Then
            FileList = Split("No files found", "|") 'ensures an array is returned
            Exit Function
        End If
            sHldr = Dir
            If sHldr = "" Then Exit Do
            sTemp = sTemp & "|" & sHldr
        FileList = Split(sTemp, "|")
    End Function

    Edit: The files are .txt files formatted as csv