Is it possible to run all unit test?


Solution 1

You could create a TestSuite and run all your tests in it's if __name__ == '__main__' block:

import unittest   

def create_suite():
    test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
    return test_suite

if __name__ == '__main__':
   suite = create_suite()


If you do not want to create the test cases manually look at this quesiton/answer, which basically creates the test cases dynamically, or use some of the features of the unittest module like test discovery feature and command line options ..

Solution 2

When running unit tests based on the built-in python unittest module, at the root level of your project run

python -m unittest discover <module_name>

For the specific example above, it suffices to run

python -m unittest discover .

Solution 3

I think what you are looking for is the TestLoader. With this you can load specific tests or modules or load everything under a given directory. Also, this post has some useful examples using a TestSuite instance.

EDIT: The code I usually have in my

if not popts.tests:
    suite = unittest.TestLoader().discover(os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/tests')

    # Print outline' * Going for Interactive net tests = '+str(not tvars.NOINTERACTIVE))

    # Run
else:' * Running specific tests')

    suite = unittest.TestSuite()

    # Load standard tests
    for t in popts.tests:
        test = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName("tests."+t)

    # Run

Does two things:

  1. If -t flag (tests) is not present, find and load all tests in directory
  2. Else, load the requested tests one-by-one

Solution 4

I think you could just run the following command under the folder where your tests files are located:

python -m unittest

as mentioned here in the doc that "when executed without arguments Test Discovery is started"

Solution 5

With PyDev right click on a folder in Eclipse and choose "Run as-> Python unit-test". This will run all tests in that folder (the names of the test files and methods have to start with "test_".)

caren vanderlee
Author by

caren vanderlee

Updated on June 09, 2022


  • caren vanderlee
    caren vanderlee almost 2 years

    I have two module with two different classes and their corresponding test classes.
     class foo(object):
         def fooMethod(self):
             // smthg

     class bar(object):
         def barMethod(self):
             // smthg

     class fooTest(unittest.TestCase):
         def fooMethodTest(self):
             // smthg

     class barTest(unittest.TestCase):
         def barMethodTest(self):
             // smthg

    In any, test and source module, file, I erased the if __name__ == "__main__": because of increasing coherency and obeying object-oriented ideology.

    Like in Java unit test, I'm looking for creating a module to run all unittest. For example,
     class runAllTest(unittest.TestCase):
     if __name__ == "__main__":

    I looked for search engine but didn't find any tutorial or example. Is it possible to do so? Why? or How?

    Note: I'm using eclipse and pydev distribution on windows machine.

  • aaron
    aaron about 5 years
    By far the best, most concise approach on here. Good tip, @mcguip