Is Node.js native Promise.all processing in parallel or sequentially?


Solution 1

Is Promise.all(iterable) executing all promises?

No, promises cannot "be executed". They start their task when they are being created - they represent the results only - and you are executing everything in parallel even before passing them to Promise.all.

Promise.all does only await multiple promises. It doesn't care in what order they resolve, or whether the computations are running in parallel.

is there a convenient way to run an iterable sequencially?

If you already have your promises, you can't do much but Promise.all([p1, p2, p3, …]) (which does not have a notion of sequence). But if you do have an iterable of asynchronous functions, you can indeed run them sequentially. Basically you need to get from

[fn1, fn2, fn3, …]



and the solution to do that is using Array::reduce:

iterable.reduce((p, fn) => p.then(fn), Promise.resolve())

Solution 2

In parallel

await Promise.all( (item) => { 
  await fetchItem(item) 

Advantages: Faster. All iterations will be started even if one fails later on. However, it will "fail fast". Use Promise.allSettled, to complete all iterations in parallel even if some fail.

In sequence

for (const item of items) {
  await fetchItem(item)

Advantages: Variables in the loop can be shared by each iteration. Behaves like normal imperative synchronous code.

Solution 3

NodeJS does not run promises in parallel, it runs them concurrently since it’s a single-threaded event loop architecture. There is a possibility to run things in parallel by creating a new child process to take advantage of the multiple core CPU.

Parallel Vs Concurent

In fact, what Promise.all does is, stacking the promises function in the appropriate queue (see event loop architecture) running them concurrently (call P1, P2,...) then waiting for each result, then resolving the Promise.all with all the promises results. Promise.all will fail at the first promise which fails unless you have to manage the rejection yourself.

There is a major difference between parallel and concurrent, the first one will run a different computation in a separate process at exactly the same time and they will progress at their rhythm, while the other one will execute the different computation one after another without waiting for the previous computation to finish and progress at the same time without depending on each other.

Finally, to answer your question, Promise.all will execute neither in parallel nor sequentially but concurrently.

Solution 4

Bergi's answer got me on the right track using Array.reduce.

However, to actually get the functions returning my promises to execute one after another I had to add some more nesting.

My real use case is an array of files that I need to transfer in order one after another due to limits downstream...

Here is what I ended up with:

getAllFiles().then( (files) => {
    return files.reduce((p, theFile) => {
        return p.then(() => {
            return transferFile(theFile); //function returns a promise
    }, Promise.resolve()).then(()=>{
        console.log("All files transferred");

As previous answers suggest, using:

getAllFiles().then( (files) => {
    return files.reduce((p, theFile) => {
        return p.then(transferFile(theFile));
    }, Promise.resolve()).then(()=>{
        console.log("All files transferred");

didn't wait for the transfer to complete before starting another and also the "All files transferred" text came before even the first file transfer was started.

Not sure what I did wrong, but wanted to share what worked for me.

Edit: Since I wrote this post I now understand why the first version didn't work. then() expects a function returning a promise. So, you should pass in the function name without parentheses! Now, my function wants an argument so then I need to wrap in in a anonymous function taking no argument!

Solution 5

You can also process an iterable sequentially with an async function using a recursive function. For example, given an array a to process with asynchronous function someAsyncFunction():

var a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

function someAsyncFunction(n) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log("someAsyncFunction: ", n)
    }, Math.random() * 1500)

//You can run each array sequentially with: 

function sequential(arr, index = 0) {
  if (index >= arr.length) return Promise.resolve()
  return someAsyncFunction(arr[index])
    .then(r => {
      console.log("got value: ", r)
      return sequential(arr, index + 1)

sequential(a).then(() => console.log("done"))

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Yanick Rochon
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Yanick Rochon

#SOreadytohelp Humans are not efficient. Not because we are not smart, or not able to, but because we do not strive toward the same goals. Because we set ourselves rules to ultimately prevent collaborative efforts. Because we envy power and praise fame. Diversity and collaborative efforts (i.e. not directed) will always bring higher and better results than any set of rules; where everyone can benefit from the work of others, freely. The key here is common sense. Because efforts are wasted, unless they can benefit the collective and not one self. This is not communism nor socialism, as there are rights of property, as credits go where they belong. This is merely simple wisdom.

Updated on July 23, 2022


  • Yanick Rochon
    Yanick Rochon almost 2 years

    I would like to clarify this point, as the documentation is not too clear about it;

    Q1: Is Promise.all(iterable) processing all promises sequentially or in parallel? Or, more specifically, is it the equivalent of running chained promises like


    or is it some other kind of algorithm where all p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, etc. are being called at the same time (in parallel) and results are returned as soon as all resolve (or one rejects)?

    Q2: If Promise.all runs in parallel, is there a convenient way to run an iterable sequencially?

    Note: I don't want to use Q, or Bluebird, but all native ES6 specs.

    • Amit
      Amit almost 9 years
      Are you asking about node (V8) implementation, or about the spec?
    • royhowie
      royhowie almost 9 years
      I'm pretty sure Promise.all executes them in parallel.
    • Yanick Rochon
      Yanick Rochon almost 9 years
      @Amit I flagged node.js and io.js as this is where I'm using it. So, yes, the V8 implementation if you will.
    • Bergi
      Bergi almost 9 years
      Promises cannot "be executed". They start their task when they are being created - they represent the results only - and you are executing everything in parallel even before passing them to Promise.all.
    • Mateon1
      Mateon1 almost 9 years
      Promises are executed at the moment of creation. (can be confirmed by running a bit of code). In new Promise(a).then(b); c(); a is executed first, then c, then b. It isn't Promise.all that runs these promises, it just handles when they resolve.
    • Admin
      Admin almost 8 years
      Just for clarification: The only portion of a Promise that gets executed (immediately) is the executor, so the function you pass to the Promise constructor. If Promise.all awaits the resolving of all given Promises (or the rejection of one) it wouldn't make much sense, if these were settled sequentially.
    • rocketspacer
      rocketspacer over 7 years
      They are executed in the order they were declared cause most javascript environment run single threaded. So declaring p1 before p2 and calling Promise.all([ p2, p1 ]) wouldn't help
  • James Reategui
    James Reategui over 8 years
    In this example, is iterable an array of the functions that return a promise that you want to call?
  • Bergi
    Bergi over 8 years
    @JamesReategui: Yes, exactly, that's what I meant by "an iterable of asynchronous functions"
  • Yanick Rochon
    Yanick Rochon about 8 years
    At this time, async/await is only available with a transpiler, or using other engines than Node. Also, you really should not mix async with yield. Whle they act the same with a transpiler and co, they really are quite different and should not ordinarily substitude each other. Also, you should mention these restrictions as your answer is confusing to novice programmers.
  • SSH This
    SSH This almost 8 years
    iterable.reduce((p, fn) => p.then(fn), Promise.resolve()); where can you put your code that runs when the last promise resolves?
  • Bergi
    Bergi almost 8 years
    @SSHThis: It's exactly as the then sequence - the return value is the promise for the last fn result, and you can chain other callbacks to that.
  • TimoSolo
    TimoSolo over 7 years
    i'm struggling to figure out the reduce. Can you give a real code example with the fn1, fn2, fn3 run sequentially on an array of objects?
  • Bergi
    Bergi over 7 years
    @TimoSolo: objects.reduce((p, o) => p.then(()=>fn(o)). Promise.resolve())
  • wojjas
    wojjas over 7 years
    If you need to use the value from fn1 in fn2, for instance, then do it by letting fn1().then(... return a promise by calling fn2, thus keeping the chain. Like so: fn1().then( retValFromF1 => {return p2(retValFromF1)}).then(fn3).catch(...
  • Bergi
    Bergi over 7 years
    @wojjas That's exactly equivalent to fn1().then(p2).then(fn3).catch(…? No need to use a function expression.
  • wojjas
    wojjas over 7 years
    @Bergi Using a function expression makes it possible to pass variables. Without it there will be no retValFromF1 to pass to p2. Can it be done in some other/better way? The return is not needed if there is only one statement in the function as in my example. But as soon as there are more than one a p2(retValFromF1) is needed.
  • Bergi
    Bergi over 7 years
    @wojjas Of course the retValFromF1 is passed into p2, that's exactly what p2 does. Sure, if you want to do more (pass additional variables, call multiple functions, etc) you need to use a function expression, though changing p2 in the array would be easier
  • Robert Penner
    Robert Penner about 6 years
    Or: for (const item of items) await fetchItem(item);
  • Mateusz Sowiński
    Mateusz Sowiński almost 6 years
    using array.prototype.reduce is much better in terms of performance than a recursive function
  • Mark
    Mark almost 6 years
    @MateuszSowiński, there is a 1500ms timeout between each call. Considering that this is doing async calls sequentially, it’s hard to see how that’s relevant even for a very quick async turnaround.
  • Mateusz Sowiński
    Mateusz Sowiński almost 6 years
    Let's say you have to execute 40 of really quick async functions after each other - using recursive functions would clog your memory pretty fast
  • Mark
    Mark almost 6 years
    @MateuszSowiński, that the stack doesn't wind up here...we're returning after each call. Compare that with reduce where you have to build the entire then() chain in one step and then execute.
  • Mateusz Sowiński
    Mateusz Sowiński almost 6 years
    In the 40th call of the sequential function the first call of the function is still in memory waiting for the chain of sequential functions to return
  • Mark
    Mark almost 6 years
    I'll refer you to this thread if you really want to discuss the nuances of this @MateuszSowiński:…
  • robe007
    robe007 over 5 years
    @Bergi Can I say that: iterable.reduce((p, fn) => p.then(fn), Promise.resolve()) is equivalent to: [fn1, fn2, fn3].reduce((p, fn) => p.then(fn), Promise.resolve()) ???
  • Bergi
    Bergi over 5 years
    @robe007 Yes, I meant that iterable is the [fn1, fn2, fn3, …] array
  • robe007
    robe007 over 5 years
    @Bergi And ... every fn... it is a function that returns a promise???
  • Bergi
    Bergi over 5 years
    @robe007 Yes, they're asynchronous functions.
  • Taimoor
    Taimoor over 5 years
    @david_adler In parallel example advantages you said All iterations will be executed even if one fails. If I'm not wrong this would still fail fast. To change this behaviour one can do something like: await Promise.all( item => { return await fetchItem(item).catch(e => e) }))
  • david_adler
    david_adler about 5 years
    @Taimoor yes it does "fail fast" and continue executing code after the Promise.all but all iterations are still executed
  • HaneTV
    HaneTV about 5 years
    iterable.reduce((p, fn) => p.then(fn), Promise.resolve()) gave me a headache in nodeJS and seems to have a different behaviour than doing it in 2 lines, eg : ps.reduce((p, fn) => { p.then(fn); return Promise.resolve(); });
  • Bergi
    Bergi about 5 years
    @HaneTV The comma separates arguments: iterable.reduce((p, fn) => { return p.then(fn); }, Promise.resolve())
  • Giulio Caccin
    Giulio Caccin almost 5 years
    Is this an answer to the original question?
  • mandarin
    mandarin over 4 years
    This approach is better, when the async function is an API call an you don't want to DDOS the server. You have better control over the individual results and errors thrown in the execution. Even better you can decide on what errors to continue and on what to break the loop.
  • Shihab
    Shihab almost 4 years
    This is not right. NodeJS can run things in parallel. NodeJS has a concept of worker thread. By default the number of worker thread is 4. For example, if you use crypto library to hash two values then you can execute them in parallel. Two worker threads will handle the task. Of course, your CPU has to be multi-core to support parallelism.
  • Adrien De Peretti
    Adrien De Peretti almost 4 years
    Yeah you right, it’s what i said at the end of the first paragraph, but i talked about child process, of course they can run workers.
  • david_adler
    david_adler almost 4 years
    Note that javascript isn't actually executing the asynchronous requests in "parallel" using threads since javascript is single threaded.
  • Bernardo Dal Corno
    Bernardo Dal Corno over 3 years
    you could add a third parameter with an accumulator of type array, and return it in the last Promise.resolve() - will be in the same format as Promise.all but sequentially
  • Bernardo Dal Corno
    Bernardo Dal Corno over 3 years
    One thing I dont like about this way is the need to create an "extra" function (sequential) for it to work, in comparison to for and reduce solutions. But it could very much be in a tool like lodash, for example
  • Bernardo Dal Corno
    Bernardo Dal Corno over 3 years
    for completeness, you should make a an array of promises, and then change someAsyncFunction() to simply arr[index](), without forgeting to use await
  • twhitehead
    twhitehead over 3 years
    if you need the results for the parallel version: let results = await Promise.all( item => { return await fetchItem(item) })); and re the comment about not being in "parallel", if the requests call an external function such as fetching a file or api call then they ARE truly parallel despite the javascript engine being single threaded.
  • david_adler
    david_adler over 3 years
    @twhitehead yes the engine is multithreaded but ultimately all comes back to javascripts main thread for serialization of the responses. By truly parallel, you mean new threads are spawned for each request in the engine under the hood? Is that how all engines work? Is that part of the spec? Or is that just the only way things could work? Could you point to something in the spec by any chance?
  • Muhammad Muzammil
    Muhammad Muzammil over 3 years
    Best answer so far. I was so confused that how a single-threaded architecture like Node.js could run multiple promises in parallel. Thanks alot sir. P.S. I know how worker threads are and how they work but promises are resolved by Node.js event-loop itself and not by using libuv. So the best Node.js could do is to execute them (promises) concurrently.
  • Dmitriy Mozgovoy
    Dmitriy Mozgovoy about 3 years
    The defined async function with await inside the map method is redundant.
  • david_adler
    david_adler almost 3 years
    @DmitriyMozgovoy yes it is but it will be more obvious how to extend it for people new to Promise.all
  • david_adler
    david_adler over 2 years
    Use Promise.allSettled if you want all items to be executed (and not just started) regardless if one fails.
  • kehers
    kehers about 2 years
    In the parallel example, is the await in await fetchItem(item) necessary? Why not await Promise.all( => fetchItem(item)))
  • david_adler
    david_adler about 2 years
    It's not necessary but I left it in for illustrative purposes as it's easy to see how to modify code inside the inner arrow function.
  • matttm
    matttm about 2 years
    @david_adler i actually think using the inner await makes it synchronous
  • david_adler
    david_adler about 2 years
    In what way synchronous? Each inner callback will be executed concurrently with respect to each other.