Is there a JSX formatter for sublime text?


Solution 1

Update 4

Check prettier, not that configurable as esformatter, but currently used to format some big projects (like React itself)

Update 3

Check sublime jsfmt. If you add esformatter-jsx to the config and install the package inside the forlder for sublime-jsfmt. You will be able to format JSX files directly from Sublime. Here is a guide for that

Update 2

from the command line you can also use esbeautifier. It is a wrapper around esformatter that accept a list of globs to format

# install the dependencies globally
npm i -g esbeautifier

# beautify the files under src/ and specs/ both .js and .jsx
esbeautifier src/**/*.js* specs/**/*.js*


So I ended up doing a plugin for esformatter to enable the formatting of JSX files:

Here is a live demo on requirebin

It should be somehow feasible to call esformatter from Sublime passing the current file as the argument. In any case to use it from the command line you can follow these instructions:

From the command line it can be used like this:

# install the dependencies globally
npm i -g esformatter esformatter-jsx

# call it (this will print to stdout)
esformatter --plugins=esformatter-jsx ./path/to/your/file

# to actually modify the file
esformatter --plugins=esformatter-jsx ./path/to/your/file > ./path/to/your/file

# to specify a config file (where you can also specify the plugins)
# check esformatter for more info about the configuration options
esformatter -c ./path/to/.esformatter ./path/to/your/file > ./path/to/your/file

==== old answer below ===

So if what you're looking is just to make your jsx files to be formatted while allowing the jsx syntax (basically beautify all the javascript syntax and ignore jsx tags, meaning leave them as is), this is what I'm doing using esformatter

// needed for grunt.file.expand
var grunt = require('grunt');

// use it with care, I haven't check if there
// isn't any side effect from using proxyquire to 
// inject esprima-fb into the esformatter
// but this type of dependency replacement
// seems to be very fragile... if rocambole deps change 
// this will certainly break, same is true for esformatter
// use it with care
var proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
var rocambole = proxyquire('rocambole', {
  'esprima': require('esprima-fb')

var esformatter = proxyquire('esformatter', {
  rocambole: rocambole

// path to your esformatter configuration
var cfg = grunt.file.readJSON('./esformatter.json');

// expand the files from the glob
var files = grunt.file.expand('./js/**/*.jsx');

// do the actual formatting
files.forEach(function (fIn) {
  console.log('formatting', fIn);
  var output = esformatter.format(, cfg);
  grunt.file.write(fIn, output);

I would actually like that esformatter use a version of rocambole that use esprima-fb instead of esprima, to avoid proxyquire.

Solution 2

There is a setting in the HTML-CSS-JS Prettify plugin that allows you to ignore xml syntax in the js/jsx file. That way it doesn't mess up the jsx code. The setting is: "e4x": true in the "js" section of the settings file

Preferences > Package Settings > HTML\CSS\JS Prettify > Set Prettify Preferences

This does not work well if you have self closing tags eg. tags ending in />

Solution 3

You can install a JsPrettier package for Sublime 2 & 3. It's a fairly new JavaScript formatter (at the time of writing this: Feb-2017). It supports most of the latest developments like: ES2017, JSX, and Flow.


  1. Install prettier globally using terminal: $ npm install -g prettier
  2. In Sublime go to Tools -> Command Palette... -> Package Control: Install Package, type the word JsPrettier, then select it to complete the installation.
  3. Format your file using context menu inside the editor or bind it to a keyboard shortcut: { "keys": ["super+b"], "command": "js_prettier" }


Solution 4

To add to what @Shoobah said:

There is a setting in the HTML-CSS-JS Prettify plugin that allows you to ignore xml syntax in the js/jsx file. That way it doesn't mess up the jsx code. The setting is: "e4x": true in the "js" section of the settings file

Go to: Preferences > Package Settings > HTML\CSS\JS Prettify > Set Prettify Preferences

Go to "js" section:

Add "jsx" to the "allowed_file_extension", and then change "e4x" to "true"

Solution 5

the answer in the internet that always told you set 'e4x' to true, but sometimes, we have to set option of 'format_on_save_extensions' then add 'jsx' in array

modify jsFormat.sublime-settings

  "e4x": true,
  "format_on_save": true,
  "format_on_save_extensions": ["js", "json", "jsx"]
Author by


Updated on December 25, 2020


  • fin
    fin over 3 years

    I'm using Sublime Text as a text editor.

    There's a jsFormat for formatting javascript files but I can't find one for JSX.

    How you guys deal with formatting JSX?

  • Jasper
    Jasper about 9 years
    This only worked with esformatter-jsx-ignore for me, but that is good enough. Thanks!
  • Kuma
    Kuma over 8 years
    I'm using esformatter-jsx and It works as I expected. However, I also had to add "esformatter-jsx" to "options":{"plugins":{"esformatter-jsx"}} in "Preferences>Package Settings>Sublime JSFMT>Settings - Default" in Sublime 3 to make it works
  • Admin
    Admin over 8 years
    This is a great answer, I have this used tool for awhile now, but we have switched to using es6/es7 with babel and it doesn't work anymore.
  • roy riojas
    roy riojas over 8 years
    @Rkhayat are you sure? latest version of esformatter-jsx should support a bunch of ES6/ES7. If there is something not working you can file a bug, and as workaround you can mark blocks that don't work in /*esfmt-ignore-start*/ code here /*esfmt-ignore-end*/
  • roy riojas
    roy riojas over 8 years
    make sure to use the latest esformatter as well as previous ones don't recognize ES6/ES7 syntax
  • Admin
    Admin over 8 years
    @royriojas I am using @Radium as a decorator, and the linter blows up with "unexpected token ILLEGAL" unless I remove it, also on static propTypes. How do I go about upgrading it?
  • roy riojas
    roy riojas over 8 years
    @Rkhayat latest version of it handles decorators and class properties as well...…
  • Admin
    Admin over 8 years
    Does this have to be installed per project? How do I go about upgrading it?
  • roy riojas
    roy riojas over 8 years
    you can use esbeautifier from the command line and you can also use it in sublime with JSFMT, check this guide:
  • Admin
    Admin over 8 years
    I believe I followed the instructions for JSFMT / Sublime, the error now states The formatting failed please check the console for more details…
  • roy riojas
    roy riojas over 8 years
    check your sublime console, in mac to open the console press ctrl+` you can open a ticket on esformatter-jsx repo or in JSFMT repo with the error you are seeing in the console
  • damd
    damd about 8 years
    This still works really well with the latest versions of babel-sublime and HTML-CSS-JS Prettify. Just make sure you add "jsx" or whatever file extension you use to "allowed_file_extensions".
  • Yash Vekaria
    Yash Vekaria about 8 years
    I did as per told by you, but it didn't work for me. :(
  • Chris22
    Chris22 over 7 years
    Where is "jsFormat.sublime-settings" found? so that I can modify "format_on_save_extensions": ["js", "json", "jsx"]. The closest I find about file extensions is: "js": { "allowed_file_extensions": ["js", "json",...]
  • Niclas
    Niclas over 7 years
    You can find it here: Preferences > Package Settings > jsFormat > Settings - User. Didn't work for me though, still indents JSX weirdly :(
  • Al-Maamari Tareq
    Al-Maamari Tareq over 7 years
    Have been looking for a solution and this one solved my problem, thanks !
  • mlunoe
    mlunoe over 7 years
    I see that Rdio built (or at least maintained) JSFMT, but since they filed for bankruptcy and got bought by Pandora, I haven't seen progress on the project (last commit Feb 3, 2016):….
  • roy riojas
    roy riojas over 7 years
    yeah to be fair now I would probably suggest people to use prettier for new projects, there might be already an addon for sublime.
  • Andy Darwin
    Andy Darwin about 7 years
    Is this answer outdated? There is not /> in my code, but it still does not work
  • tnrich
    tnrich about 7 years
    This is by far the best answer now! prettier is da bomb!
  • tnrich
    tnrich about 7 years
    prettier (aka jsprettier) for sublime is by far the best!! See the answer below:
  • fin
    fin over 6 years
    prettier does the job for me. sublime plugin here and it also has eslint support . Glad this question is finally accepted after nearly 3 years.
  • Ionut
    Ionut over 6 years
    Yes, indeed, this worked perfect for me too. Most important thing to notice is the "globally" part.
  • TabsNotSpaces
    TabsNotSpaces about 6 years
    There's also a JSX language package that can be used