Is there a way to force Powershell to open a document as read-only and close without saving?


For read only, try this:

$word.Documents.Open("$doc.Fullname", $false, $true)

For closing, try this:


The MSDN links seem pretty clear about the order these parameters need to appear in and the above worked for me.

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Visual Communications Professional with a background in technology. In the thick of learning Java, PHP & MySQL to augment my web skills. I'm taking a shine to programming a lot more than I thought I would.

Updated on June 11, 2022


  • dwwilson66
    dwwilson66 about 2 years

    I have a script that parses data from Word documents. I arrived to the office this morning to realize that the script hadn't completed, hanging on a "File In Use" dialog box. I found a reference to the $true parameter -- open Read-Only -- on MSDN, but I still get the dialog box.

    enter image description here

    And of course, one thing leading to another, now I also get the dialog box asking if I want to save changes before I can open the NEXT document, which can't be accessed because of an open dialog box. Sigh. How can I open a document, scan it for my data (the hyperlinks) and then close the document without saving?

    enter image description here

    Code appears here. I have not included the step where I write $hyperlinks to a file; I'm just concentrating on getting the file-read-close part working.

    $global:word = new-object -ComObject Word.Application 
    $word.Visible = $False 
    $backupPath   = "\\Path\to\files\"   # Backup data path
    $srcfiles     = Get-ChildItem $backupPath -filter "*.doc"
    foreach ($doc in $srcfiles) {
        $links = @($doc2.Hyperlinks);
    • mjolinor
      mjolinor over 10 years
      I don't mess with COM much, but if the Microsoft Word Viewer is a COM application, it seems like that migh be a better choice for what it is you're trying to accomplish.
  • webwurst
    webwurst about 9 years
    For closing I had to use this: $document.Close([ref] [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdSaveOptions]::wdDoNotSaveCh‌​anges). See msdn Documents.Close.