Is there a way to reset sound settings : Xubuntu 14.04


All references to Applications in this answer refer to the applications menu item in the control panel.

Xfce - Audio Mixer

(See note below)

As Xubuntu uses Xfce desktop environment you could install Audio Mixer, xfce4-mixer, if it has been removed (optionally with --reinstall).

$ sudo apt-get install xfce4-mixer

and use the Audio Mixer found under

  • Applications -> Multimedia -> Audio Mixer


$ xfce4-mixer

then tweak around.

Control panel

To add it to your control panel go to settings manager:

  • Applications -> Settings -> Settings Manager
    • Select Panels


  • Applications -> Settings -> Panels


$ xfce4-panel -p

Then select the Items tab and add (the [+] button) where you select Audio Mixer.

This is a very minimal audio controller. (Volume up/down - what else does one need?). To configure simply right-click the control-icon and select Properties, or select Run Audio Mixer if need be.

PA - pavucontrol

If you run Pulse Audio (Wikipedia) you could also use the PulseAudio Volume Control. Should be under Multimedia if installed, or start it from command line by:

$ pavucontrol

If not installed the package has the same name.

$ sudo apt-get install pavucontrol

This is the one I mainly use to adjust sound settings by GUI. (When not using JACK)

Note: Audio Mixer

As per Xfce 4.12 release notes:

“Due to gstreamer1.0 having dropped the mixer-interface entirely, and xfce4-mixer and xfce4-volumed relying on this interface with gstreamer0.10, our mixer application and volume daemon cannot be ported to 1.0 and are consequently not maintained anymore.”

As such I guess it would be best to rely on other controls such as pavucontrol in the future unless Xfce comes along with a new one.

But, it should work, and works fine here. I have both gstreamer 0.10 and 1.

Only to note that it could disappear in future releases.

Sub note:

After last update the audio settings was all re-configured as well as several others - such as keyboard tuning (I have for example a much lower repeat delaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay then default etc.)

Audio card was switched to HDMI (on monitor) instead of internal. Disabled audio such as input microphone was switched on etc.

Passed by here as I wondered if anyone else had similar issues.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • kxh
    kxh over 1 year

    Hello im trying to make a quiz app where users can take a quiz but have to finish it within a time frame. I have done the quiz creation part and user can join to complete the quiz but now im stuck on how to add time functionality. Can someone help me in this part?

    So from your guys answers i did this Added a js countdown timer in frontend like this

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var timeoutHandle;
        function countdown(minutes) {
            var seconds = 60;
            var mins = minutes
            function tick() {
                var counter = document.getElementById("timer");
                var current_minutes = mins-1
                counter.innerHTML =
                current_minutes.toString() + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + String(seconds);
                if( seconds > 0 ) {
                    timeoutHandle=setTimeout(tick, 1000);
                } else {
                    if(mins > 1){
                       // countdown(mins-1);   never reach “00″ issue solved:Contributed by Victor Streithorst
                       setTimeout(function () { countdown(mins - 1); }, 1000);
        countdown('<?php echo $time; ?>');
        <!-- script for disable url -->
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var time= '<?php echo $time; ?>';
            var realtime = time*60000;
            setTimeout(function () {
                alert('Time Out');
                window.location.href= '/';},

    In my backend i have the quiz table with a cloumn integer called duration, now should i add another column as a time stamp?

    • Rmano
      Rmano over 8 years
      ...if you have a list of all the thing you did, and you post it, maybe someone can help. Without that, a crystal ball could be the only solution.... Unless you changed only things in your home directory, in which case creating a new user should suffice.
    • Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy
      Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy over 8 years
      I can suggest the following - try running gnome-settings-daemon from the command line, play around with alsamixer . Try reinstalling indicator-sound-gtk2 with sudo apt-get install --reinstall indicator-sound-gtk2 and if that doesn't work try volti, which is a volume icon similar to default volume indicator, or gnome-alsamixer, which is a graphical front-end to alsamixer ; I use both in my minimalistic GUI with openbox. Your sound appears to work, but not the graphical interface to it, so issue isn't bad - there has to be a simple solution.
    • Lucino Veo
      Lucino Veo over 8 years
      @Rmano I wish I could tell you but I can't remember, some of it involved playing around with pulseaudio/alsa and some configuration files...
    • Lucino Veo
      Lucino Veo over 8 years
      @Serg Okay the status icon is back but the settings are still missing from the system settings dialog. Running gnome-settings-daemon outputs the following error: You can only run one xsettings manager at a time; exiting
    • Gert B.
      Gert B. almost 3 years
      If you share the code you are stuck with, maybe someone can help. We are not gonna write the code for you.
    • kxh
      kxh almost 3 years
      @GertB.I will edit to show the code
  • Lucino Veo
    Lucino Veo over 8 years
    Thanks for your help... I don't seem to be having anymore issues with sound after a normal boot up. But things are still sketchy after resuming from suspend...sometimes it's fine, sometimes I have to restart to get the sound working again
  • Runium
    Runium over 8 years
    @LucinoVeo: What is your setup? Do you run a "clean" Xubuntu? I have a modified hack. Do you use PulseAudio? Do you have pavucontrol (as mentioned in post) installed?
  • Lucino Veo
    Lucino Veo over 8 years
    it seems like things kind of mysteriously sorted themselves out... I hope your post can be of use to someone else anyway! Thanks
  • Ken Mollerup
    Ken Mollerup over 7 years
    Still missing in 16.04 and the Audio Controll / Volume will not be set in Settings or the pannels, old one still in indicator plugin - but only working partially!
  • kxh
    kxh almost 3 years
    So i added a js function in the front, now the backend part how to check the time can u se the updated answer. Sorry for any hard time
  • Chiquito_Sensei
    Chiquito_Sensei almost 3 years
    with timestamps (which are integers) you can do a '-' operation
  • kxh
    kxh almost 3 years
    Added the script above, please look at the updated answer but shows an error: Undefined variable: time
  • Chiquito_Sensei
    Chiquito_Sensei almost 3 years
    countdown('<?php echo $time; ?>'); -> you never used a variable called "time"
  • kxh
    kxh almost 3 years
    How can i fix that, cuz in another project it works like a charm