Is there a way to send key presses to Webkit using Capybara?


Solution 1

I've been trying to implement Marc's answer without any success, but I found some help from a similar question: capybara: fill in form field value with terminating enter key. And apparently there was a pull request from capybara that seems to address this issue.

What worked for me was:

before { fill_in "some_field_id", with: "\t" }

My example erases the text in the field and then presses Tab. To fill in a field with 'foobar', replace "\t" with "foobar\t". You can also use "\n" for the Enter key.

For your example, you could use:


Solution 2

This worked for me with Poltergeist, to trigger the asterisk key:


I had no luck with the other solutions; not even Syn.

This was to trigger an angular-hotkeys event.

Solution 3

You can do it like that:

keypress_script = "var e = $.Event('keydown', { keyCode: #{keycode} }); $('body').trigger(e);"

Solution 4

Now since Capybara-webkit 1.9.0 you can send key presses like enter and others using send_keys:



Capybara API Docs:

Solution 5

I ended up doing the following:

Capybara.current_driver = Capybara.javascript_driver
keypress_script = "$('input#my_field').val('some string').keydown();"

I discovered in Chrome, testing my JavaScript, that actually creating an $.Event with keyCode or charCode and then triggering that on my input field didn't put the characters in the input. I was testing autocompletion which required a few characters be in the input field, and it would start the autocompletion on keydown. So I set the input value manually with val, then trigger keydown to cause the autocompletion script to start.

Author by


You can find my blog at where I publish about coding and other stuff.

Updated on August 23, 2022


  • pupeno
    pupeno almost 2 years

    I need to send some key-presses to a web app in an integration test that uses Capybara and WebKit. Using Selenium (WebDriver and Firefox) I can achieve it like this:

    find("#element_id").native.send_keys :tab

    but WebKit's native element node doesn't have a send_keys method. Actually native in WebKit returned a string containing a number. Is there another way to send keystrokes to WebKit? Maybe even some workaround using JavaScript/jQuery?

  • Rob
    Rob about 12 years
    This worked for me. We're actually using the poltergeist driver (PhantomJS) instead of Capybara WebKit, so I had to make a minor change to the 2nd line of code there: page.driver.execute_script(keypress_script)
  • rjurado01
    rjurado01 over 11 years
    This worked for me, but I should use page.execute_script(keypress_script).
  • Philippe Creux
    Philippe Creux over 10 years
    I confirm that find("#label").set(my_label + "\n") triggers the Enter key.
  • Muhammad Hashir Anwaar
    Muhammad Hashir Anwaar over 10 years
    FYI - Poltergeist supports element.native.send_keys(*keys)
  • ruby-digger
    ruby-digger about 10 years
    Thanks man! Worked for me. I was really suprised of such simple solution!
  • DannyB
    DannyB over 8 years
    Yet another reason to use Poltergeist. It just makes life easier. This worked for me with zero friction.