Is there an equivalent of GDB for GCC for debugging when compiling with CLANG?


Solution 1

LLDB appears to be the equivalent debugger for CLANG. Here are some links I found on learning LLDB and the equivalent commands for LLDB from GDB.

How to debug Clang plugin using lldb (or gdb)

Solution 2

You can use GDB or lldb with clang.

for example

$ clang hello.c -g
$ gdb a.out
Author by


Concurrently studying a Bachelor of Science at the University of Sydney with majors in Computer Science and Informations Systems and working as a Software Engineer @ Huddle.

Updated on July 06, 2022


  • joshuatvernon
    joshuatvernon almost 2 years

    I have found that you can debug with GDB when compiling with GCC however at our university we are required to use CLANG for compiling and I can't find an equivalent of GDB for GCC for CLANG, is there one?

  • Alex028502
    Alex028502 over 2 years
    The example in my edit worked for me, but I don't really know if that's what you are supposed to do. I might just be trying out Cunningham's Law here.