Is there any way to use `jsdoc` with `.ts` files? Maybe transpile with babel then use jsdoc?


Solution 1

Although as stated by @Remi TypeDoc is a better fit for TypeScript, I use JSDoc for better jsdoc to markdown conversion (as of this writing).

Method 1:

Compile TypeScript and use JSDoc with compiled code

> tsc && nodemon node_modules/.bin/jsdoc -c jsdoc.json dist/**/*

Method 2:

I'm using below method with jsdoc2markdown (which uses jsdoc). Using jsdoc-babel@babel/cli, @babel/core, @babel/preset-env, @babel/preset-typescript with below jsdoc configuration:

  "source": {
    "includePattern": ".+\\.ts(doc|x)?$",
    "excludePattern": ".+\\.(test|spec).ts"
  "plugins": [
  "babel": {
    "extensions": ["ts", "tsx"],
    "ignore": ["**/*.(test|spec).ts"],
    "babelrc": false,
    "presets": [["@babel/preset-env", { "targets": { "node": true } }], "@babel/preset-typescript"],
    "plugins": ["@babel/proposal-class-properties", "@babel/proposal-object-rest-spread"]

This configuration:

  • Excludes your-file.test.ts, your-file.spec.ts and your-file.js files from compilation and documentation.
  • Includes your-file.ts, your-file.tsdoc and your-file.tsx
  • Using @babel/preset-env, targets current node version for conversion. (You can change and test it according to your needs) => See the preset-env documentation
  • Using @babel/preset-typescript gives babel the capability to parse TypeScript

Tips & Tricks

JSDoc Comments Disappear

Babel and TypeScript removes some JSDoc comments during transpilation:

There is a hacky fix for this by adding a STUB code as seen below:

let STUB = 1;

 * Some description
 * @typedef {Object} Config
 * @property {string}  name  - Name of the config.
 * @property {string}  color - Color of choice.
STUB = 1;

export type Config = {
  name: string;
  color: string;

I wrote a wiki page for using TypeScript with jsdoc2md using jsdoc-babel long ago.

It may help:

 Method 3 (TypeDoc)

This is not directly what is asked, but strongly related to it. Below workflow may be useful:

  • Using TypeDoc to generate HTML pages.
  • Using typedoc-plugin-markdown to generate multiple MarkDown pages.
  • Using concat-md to generate single MarkDown page from multiple MarkDown pages. (This is an npm package developed by me lately to solve my JSDoc/TypeScript single page MarkDown requirement.)


$ typedoc --plugin typedoc-plugin-markdown --mode file --out docs
$ npx concat-md --decrease-title-levels --dir-name-as-title docs >

Solution 2

Although using JSDoc in combination with Typescript has certain benefits, such as:

  • the structure is gleaned directly from the source
  • annotations for TypeScript are much more compact

The downside is that adopting TypeScript requires a large amount of work required to fit the build tools into your current processes (as you currently are experiencing)

Instead, you can use something like

It will continuously keep your documentation changes on watch and will re-build on codebase changes.


Solution 3

Try out the JSDoc plugin for typescript, which is a part of better-docs toolset:


Related videos on Youtube

Hayk Safaryan
Author by

Hayk Safaryan

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Hayk Safaryan
    Hayk Safaryan about 2 years

    Is there anyway to use jsdoc with typescript file? I tried using jsdoc-babel with this config

      "plugins": [
      "babel": {
        "extensions": [

    But it doesn't work, maybe we can transpile ts files manually and then generate jsdocs? I know of alternatives like typedoc but it lacks many important features.

    So do you guys use jsdoc with typescript anyhow?