Is there Unicode glyph Symbol to represent "Search"


Solution 1


You should use (in HTML) 🔍 or 🔎

They are, however not supported by many fonts ( only lists a few fonts as supporting the Codepoint with a proper glyph).

Also note that they are outside of the BMP, so some Unicode-capable software might have problems rendering them, even if they have fonts that support them.

Generally Unicode Glyphs can be searched using a site such as This searches "only" in the names and properties of the Unicode glyphs, but they usually contain enough metadata to allow for good search results (for this answer I searched for "glass" and browsed the resulting list, for example).

Note that you can use Unicode Variant Selectors to explicitly pick how the glyphs will be rendered. Specifically VS15 (U+FE0E) for text-style and VS16 (U+FE0F) for emoji-style are relevant here. Simply append them to your chosen Unicode symbol to indicated if you'd like it to be rendered as text or as an emoji (assuming the software/browser supports the selectors and the relevant representation):

Unicode Symbol Variant Selector HTML encoded Result
U+1F50E none 🔎 🔎
U+1F50E VS15 = U+FE0E 🔎︎ 🔎︎
U+1F50E VS16 = U+FE0F 🔎️ 🔎️

Note that the result might vary depending on platform. For example Chrome seems to always render this character as an Emoji on both Linux and Windows.

Solution 2

Use the ⚲ symbol (encoded as ⚲ or ⚲), and rotate it to achieve the desired effect:

<div style="-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); 
               -moz-transform: rotate(45deg); 
                 -o-transform: rotate(45deg);
                    transform: rotate(45deg);">

It rotates a symbol :)

Solution 3

I'd recommend using to help search for unicode characters. It allows you to draw the shape you're after, and then lists the closest matches to that shape.

Solution 4

Displayed correct at Chrome OS - screenshots from this system.

tibetan astrological sign sgra gcan -char rtags U+0F17U+0F17

telephone recorder (U+2315)U+2315

lepcha letter gla (U+1C04)U+1C04

Solution 5

You can simply add this CSS to your header

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

next add this code in place where you want to display a glyph symbol.

<div class="fa fa-search"></div> <!-- smaller -->
<div class="fa fa-search fa-2x"></div> <!-- bigger -->

Have fun.


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Prasad Jadhav
Author by

Prasad Jadhav

I am a graduate in Computer Engineering. Currently working with Steepgraph Systems Technology I know: C#, ASP.Net, jQuery, JavaScript, SQL Server Interests : Website Design(Check this video of my first web-app) Hobbies : Programming, Designing

Updated on April 28, 2021


  • Prasad Jadhav
    Prasad Jadhav about 3 years

    Unicode has a million icon-like glyphs, but they're very hard to search.

    Is there a Unicode glyph that looks like a "Binocular" or "magnifying glass"? Or is there a symbol that's used to mean "Search", which is in Unicode?

    • Kzqai
      Kzqai almost 11 years
    • Keith Thompson
      Keith Thompson almost 11 years
      You could use a sequence of glyphs: U+0053, U+0065, U+0061, U+0072, U+0063, U+0068 8-)}
    • Ciro Santilli
      Ciro Santilli over 10 years
      If this other question was closed, so should this one.
    • chickens
      chickens about 5 years
      Not sure if svg do it for you but this is what I used, you can change the color from stroke attribute. <svg style="height:1em;" viewBox="0 0 12 13"><g stroke-width="2" stroke="#999999" fill="none"><path d="M11.29 11.71l-4-4"/><circle cx="5" cy="5" r="4"/></g></svg>
  • Prasad Jadhav
    Prasad Jadhav almost 12 years
    if we want to provide support for Unicode in any browser what steps do we have to follow?
  • Jukka K. Korpela
    Jukka K. Korpela almost 12 years
    @Prasad Jadhav, the Unicode support issue is mostly a font problem nowadays, and it’s really a different question. For characters as rare (in fonts) as these, an embedded font (@font face) is probably the only option, and somewhat problematic (since Symbola is such a large font). The characters also appear in Quivira (version 3.7) and Segoe UI Symbol (version 5.01), but that’s still a very limited set of fonts. Quivira is a free font, Segoe UI Symbol is shipped with Windows 7 and allows editable embedding.
  • redbmk
    redbmk about 11 years
    that's an awesome tool. it's mostly finding Q's and O's when I try searching for a magnifying glass but still... pretty sweet tool
  • vsync
    vsync about 11 years
    I've found magnifying glass. Try to draw better :p
  • zopieux
    zopieux about 11 years
    May I recommend "Telephone recorder" U+2315: ? It is totally unrelated but resembles a magnifying glass somehow and seems to be included in standard fonts, where U+1F50D and U+1F50E don't.
  • Spinal
    Spinal almost 11 years
    Arial (on Windows) also supports the "left pointing magnifying glass"
  • Sebastian
    Sebastian over 10 years
    I found some nice pictures and characters here:
  • Niloct
    Niloct over 10 years
    Well the point is to have a glyph text-based, and the symbol is way better looking than the unicode one. +1.
  • John
    John over 10 years
    @Niloct It's an html answer. I can't see the question being html-specific. In xaml you'd do something like <Grid.RenderTransform><CompositeTransform Rotation="-45" /></Grid.RenderTransform>. Are we taking web programming for granted now when asking a unicode question?
  • Niloct
    Niloct over 10 years
    John, I ended up using a png derived from this symbol, because in Windows it shows incorrectly a square. It is more elegant looking that the accepted one. Also, UTF-8 is what the actual web is encoded upon, so its a pragmatic answer.
  • Eliasz Kubala
    Eliasz Kubala almost 10 years
    On Linux (Ubuntu) is looks very good but when I use windows I only can see a square.
  • Jon Hanna
    Jon Hanna over 9 years
    That means neuter in the sense "neither male nor female". If you're going to use a character just for its glyph then you'd be better off putting it in a font assigned somewhere in the Private Use Area, or using a PNG, rather than say "neither male nor female" and then apply a style to make it look like 🔍 or 🔎.
  • tinkerr
    tinkerr over 9 years
    Adding more CSS files to the header slows down page load. CSS files are render-blocking.
  • Eliasz Kubala
    Eliasz Kubala over 9 years
    You can add only important part of this file if you care about rendering.
  • Eliasz Kubala
    Eliasz Kubala over 9 years
    It's not work in all browsers ;)
  • LB--
    LB-- about 9 years
    For those curious, it renders in color on Chromebooks:
  • rr-
    rr- about 9 years
    Counter-downvoting, using css fonts is actually very reasonable especially when you find yourself need more and more icons.
  • teewuane
    teewuane about 9 years
    This worked really well for me. I made a <span class='icn icn-find'></span> then the css was .icn-find:after { -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); -moz-transform: rotate(45deg); -o-transform: rotate(45deg); transform: rotate(45deg); display: block; content: "\26B2"; }. Works great!
  • Mousey
    Mousey almost 9 years
    post the character code? it doesn't display
  • Mousey
    Mousey almost 9 years
    very nice tool but doesn't find a magnifying glass/search icon, no list of characters and sadly not updated since 2012
  • Vitaly Zdanevich
    Vitaly Zdanevich almost 9 years
    @Mousey added codes and screenshots
  • Thomas Weller
    Thomas Weller over 8 years
    OMG, first I wondered why you put a strikethrough ass there for a solution...
  • Armfoot
    Armfoot over 8 years
    I arrived to this page looking for an "icon" that could be placed in placeholders (inside an <input>), therefore this is only a solution for the cases where you can use HTML.
  • Louis Maddox
    Louis Maddox almost 8 years
    I don't recommend "telephone recorder", I can't see it on the Windows machine I'm on. RE: Chromebooks, Chrome OS renders the emoji that's why it's in colour (there's crossover with a number of symbols that predated emoji).
  • Lee Goddard
    Lee Goddard over 7 years
    Ironically, the site specified has no entry for 'search'. There are many UTF-8 character-name search sites around.
  • phuclv
    phuclv over 7 years
    Google usually also points to when you search for a character name
  • phuclv
    phuclv over 7 years
    @LB-- there's nothing new with that. Colored emoji has been there for quite some time and quite a lot of systems have support for it
  • LB--
    LB-- over 7 years
    @LưuVĩnhPhúc when I originally posted that screenshot in 2015, Windows did not render the emoji with color.
  • Cris
    Cris over 6 years
    I don't like that it's colored
  • Joachim Sauer
    Joachim Sauer over 6 years
    @Chris: if you want to have strong control over how exactly it is displayed then either a.) don't use text, use images or b.) specify your own font that has exactly the desired glyph.
  • Ciprian
    Ciprian over 6 years
    This is the best answer. The magnifying glass looks awesome. In 2018, all unicode characters get messed up by being turned into emojis. I have used it like this for a search form: #searchform:after { content: "\002315"; margin-left: -24px; }
  • pfg
    pfg about 6 years
    If you don't want coloration, use the unicode variation selector 15 after it and it will instead appear as 🔎︎
  • PRMan
    PRMan about 6 years
    Upvote for FontAwesome. Tons of free glyphs for the web. Very useful.
  • Lisa
    Lisa over 5 years
    Thank you. U+2315 worked in a JSF xml-based markup view (RichFaces) as follows: <a4j:commandButton value="#{someBooleanExpr? '&#x25bc;' : '&#x2315;'}" />
  • Kalmar
    Kalmar over 5 years
    Worth noting: Using a variant selector you can obtain a monochromatic font-like variant: 🔍︎ It is however a relatively new technology, so my old Android doesn't get it. The good thing is, it falls back to: 🔍 -- so possibly ugly, but still functional.
  • Miro J.
    Miro J. over 5 years
    And because it's a CDN, it's probably cached already.
  • Ṃųỻịgǻňạcểơửṩ
    Ṃųỻịgǻňạcểơửṩ over 4 years
    By the way there are two emojis for the "search" icon
  • bcody
    bcody over 4 years
    To the next person too lazy to search on how to get the Unicode variant working: Add &#xFE0E; immediately after the magnifying glass character.
  • Majedur
    Majedur almost 4 years
    In bootstrap 4 You can use. <input type="text" class="fa" placeholder="&#xf002; Search" /> It's showing search in placeholder.
  • André Boonzaaijer
    André Boonzaaijer over 3 years
    Update 2021: ⌕ (found with this tool) 0x2315 a.k.a. Telephone Recorder (no idea why it is called that but it is exactly the magnifying glass I've been searching for!)
  • Lawrence Dol
    Lawrence Dol over 3 years
    @ThomasWeller: Thank you -- now I can't unsee that. :-|
  • Yossi Sternlicht
    Yossi Sternlicht over 3 years
    Don't forget, if you use a span, to set the display to block or inline-block.
  • MDave
    MDave over 2 years
    &#x2315 for the dummies like me.
  • Zia Khan
    Zia Khan about 2 years
    Thanks for Help. This work with one addition that it must be inside a tag like span and display should be block or inline-block.