Is this possible to achieve absolute position functionality without using position attribute through css?


outlook does not support position:, so perhaps use a table-based solution?

check out these links;

Aamir Shahzad
Author by

Aamir Shahzad

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Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Aamir Shahzad
    Aamir Shahzad about 2 years

    I am creating outlook email. I have created an email system. I have check in all email giants like Gmail, yahoo etc it work perfectly but suddenly when I saw same email in outlook it was shocking that outlook not supports position attribute.

    Now, what I want is to achieve same functionality, I have searched on Google but not found a good source to solve issue except this platform to ask question. Please help!

    Thanks in advance.

    Note: I don’t want to do this by placing one div inside other. This not suits my application at all i want things to positioned with respect to corners (width/height).

    enter image description here

  • Aamir Shahzad
    Aamir Shahzad about 11 years
    thanks for your advice bro. but this is not answer to my question.
  • AspiringCanadian
    AspiringCanadian about 11 years
    I am afraid, this is the only way you will achieve what you want to. We all went through this phase, do not worry! :-/
  • Aamir Shahzad
    Aamir Shahzad about 11 years
    thanks...but i know that outlook doesn't supports position element mentioned in question as well. i am looking for alternative if any.
  • Tyler
    Tyler about 11 years
    No problem but as i said a alternative solution would be a table.
  • Aamir Shahzad
    Aamir Shahzad about 11 years
    i don't have anything in mind to achieve that functionality. i have already used tables. but i have no issue with tables/divs i have issue with css position element. thanks for your answer.
  • Poul Bak
    Poul Bak about 4 years
    Your link is dead!