Iterating through a character array in Java - improving algorithm


You could try this:

static char[] letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toCharArray();

static void getChars(char[] lastChars, int pos, int length) {
    for (char c : letters) {
        char[] newChars = lastChars.clone();
        newChars[pos] = c; // if you have "aa" for example and the current length is 4. If c = "a", newChars is now "aaa"
        if (pos + 1 < length) { // as your lenths is 4 and you still have only 3 letters, getChars adds the missing ones
            getChars(newChars, pos + 1, length);
        } else {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int maxLength = 4;

    for (int length = 1; length <= maxLength; length++) {
        for (char c : letters) {
            if (length > 1) {
                char[] chars = new char[length];
                chars[0] = c;
                getChars(chars, 1, length);
            } else {

Author by


BSc Computer Science. 2 years Software Developer. Java, C++, Qt, C#, SQL.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • silverzx
    silverzx about 2 years

    I'm trying to iterate through my array to produce all possible combinations of the given char array.

    If the length I specify is 4 then I want it to iterate through all combinations of the chars in the array up to a length of 4.

    It would look something like this:

    char[] charArray = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toCharArray();

    Output of method I want:

    a, b, c, ..., x, y, z, aa, ab, ac, ..., ax, ay, az, ba, bb, bc, ..., bx, by, bz, ca, cb, cc, ... zzzx, zzzy, zzzz

    Here's some code:

    cs = charArray;
    cg = new char[4]; // 4 up to 4 characters to guess
    int indexOfCharset = 0; // should I be using all these?
    int indexOfCurrentGuess = 0;
    int positionInString = 0;
    public void incrementNew() {
        // 1 DIGIT guesses
        if (cg.length == 0) {
            if (indexOfCharset == cs.length) {
                cg = new char[cg.length + 1];
            } else {
                cg[positionInString] = nextChar();
        // 2 DIGIT guesses
        else if (cg.length == 1) {
            if (cg[0] == cs.length && cg[1] == cs.length) {
                cg = new char[cg.length + 1];
            } else {
                ... Something goes here <-
                cg[positionInString] = nextChar();
        System.out.println("cg[0]=" + cg[0]);
    public char nextChar() {
        char nextChar;
        if (indexOfCharset < cs.length) {
            nextChar = cs[indexOfCharset];
        } else {
            indexOfCharset = 0;
            nextChar = cs[indexOfCharset];
        //System.out.println("nextChar = " + nextChar);
        return nextChar;

    The only way I can think of doing it is using lots of IF statements - is there an algorithm or way to do it neater? If not then any suggestions on how to deal with two or more characters?


    I want it to work for any unsorted char arrays not just a-z.

    All the implementations I've found only work for sorted arrays..

  • mklnwt
    mklnwt over 11 years
    This is a recursive algorithm. For each length it builds the char arrays. The first letter is added in the main method. After that getChars adds one more char for each one in letters. If the limit of the current length is not reached, it calls getChars again to get the missing ones.
  • silverzx
    silverzx over 11 years
    How would I go about breaking out of the for loop: for (char c : letters) { once its found the string I'm looking for? I've tried using a loop like innerloop: then break innerloop; I've also tried doing a while loop outside with a boolean that changes once the password has been found but it just ends up looping still!
  • silverzx
    silverzx over 11 years
    Also what does "for (char c : letters) {" do, can I add a condition to this like seen in this post:
  • mklnwt
    mklnwt over 11 years
    A lot of questions. "for (char c : letters) {" iterates through any iterable (like and array). So every time it takes out the next element. You could use "for (int i = 0; i < letters.length [HERE YOU CAN ADD ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS (like "&& 1 != 2")]; i++) {". You can define a boolean before and change it, when your array is found. That way you could break out of the loop.