Iterating through vector<unique_ptr<mytype>> using C++11 for() loops


The loop

for (auto i: AVLTree) { ... }

tries to make a copy of each element of the range in AVLTree.begin() and AVLTree.end(). Of course, std::unique_ptr<T> can't be copied: there is only one std::unique_ptr<T> to each pointer. It wouldn't really copy anything but rather steal it. That would be bad.

You want to use references instead:

for (auto& i: AVLTree) { ... }

... or, if you don't modify them

for (auto const& i: AVLTree) { ... }
Dimitris Sfounis
Author by

Dimitris Sfounis

CS &amp; Informatics student in AUTH University, Greece. 10th semester as of June 2015. You can check my private page for information about me and my work.

Updated on November 30, 2020


  • Dimitris Sfounis
    Dimitris Sfounis over 3 years

    I've got the following batch of code:

    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks>> AVLArray(100000);
    /* Let's add some objects in the vector */
    AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks *avl = new AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks();
    avl->Insert[2]; avl->Insert[5]; AVL->Insert[0];
    unique_ptr<AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks> unique_p(avl);
    AVLArray[0] = move(unique_p);
    /* we do this for a number of other trees, let's say another 9...
    Now the vector has objects up until AVLTree[9] */
    /* Let's try iterating through its valid, filled positions */
    for(auto i : AVLTree )
       cout << "Hey there!\n";    //This loop should print 10 "Hey there"s.

    Ruh roh. Compilation error at the last part, in the for() loop.

    \DataStructures2013_2014\main.cpp||In function 'int main()':|
    \DataStructures2013_2014\main.cpp|158|error: use of deleted function 'std::unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::unique_ptr(const std::unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>&) [with _Tp = AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks; _Dp = std::default_delete<AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks>; std::unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp> = std::unique_ptr<AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks>]'|
    e:\codeblocks\mingw\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.1\include\c++\bits\unique_ptr.h|256|error: declared here|
    ||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 0 seconds) ===|

    Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

  • Dimitris Sfounis
    Dimitris Sfounis over 10 years
    Thank you very much, sir. One question, it looks like the loop, like that, iterates through the entire AVLArray, even though only 10 of its positions are assigned. Any in-built way of looping only through the non-empty ones?
  • Dietmar Kühl
    Dietmar Kühl over 10 years
    @DimitrisSfounis: The obvious approach is not to put more elements into the array then there should be! Just reserve() enough space and add elements, e.g., using push_back() or emplace_back()!
  • Dimitris Sfounis
    Dimitris Sfounis over 10 years
    @Dietmar_Kühl Unfortunately I have to assign the million spaces. I wanted to use push_back myself, but I can't. I guess an if(i) will work, but since my vector is roughly half-filled, I'll just "burn" through ~500.000 loops. Damn.
  • Dietmar Kühl
    Dietmar Kühl over 10 years
    @DimitrisSfounis: Why can't you add the elements using push_back() or emplace_back()? The alternative is to create a simple wrapper which is constructed from the vector and whose begin() returns the vector's begin() and whose end() returns the vector's begin() + n where n is the number of set elements. I'd need a really good reason not to use the vector's size, though.
  • Dimitris Sfounis
    Dimitris Sfounis over 10 years
    @Dietmar_Kühl The whole project is for a univ assignment where we are explicitly asked to use an 1.000.000-big AVLTree array. I turned the whole thing into a vector to take advantage of some C++11 usability. And now I need to work around the wasted loop iterations. Also, as Insertions of new objects into the vector are erratic (I might add AVLArray[0] then continue with AVLArray[5], [6]... without necessarily returning to 1-2-3-4) so I don't know if I can use a n++ somewhere.
  • Dietmar Kühl
    Dietmar Kühl over 10 years
    @DimitrisSfounis: The iterators expected by the range-based for just need to be forward iterators for you need: you could define a forward iterator which does a DFS search of your tree (how to do that would be another question, though).
  • KRoy
    KRoy over 5 years
    What about for(auto&& i : AVLTree) {// do something}
  • Dietmar Kühl
    Dietmar Kühl over 5 years
    @shuva: using forwarding references would work, too. It would wotk for all three cases (non-const range, const range, and a range returning temporary objects although the latter should be rather uncommon). The qualification would depend upon the provided range rather than the intended use, though.