Jabber server - ejabberd or jabberd2?


It depends very much on your needs. What are your expectations? General comparison is available on Wikipedia

If you're just looking for a simple xmpp server for your private server, I would recommend Prosody. It's lightweight, easy to configure, supports SSL, and has a helpful community. You can get it up and running literally in minutes.


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Pavel S.
Author by

Pavel S.

IT student, developer, software designer, economist, entrepreneur. I am interested in JavaScript, real-time communication and new web technologies. Twitter: @pavelsmolka LinkedIN: pavelsmolka

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Pavel S.
    Pavel S. over 1 year

    I'm going to run my own jabber server on my Ubuntu server.

    Should I use rather ejabberd or jabberd2 daemon?
    Which of them is better?
    What are the differences between them?