Jasmine : Expect $http.post() not have been called


Solution 1

That is error is because you never injected $http into the test. You can do this with the inject function, but for testing $http calls, you really should use $httpBackend

For requests that you want to make sure they aren't called, you don't need to do anything. Angular throws an error when it gets a request that wasn't expected (as defined by the expect functions on $httpBackend). So If a request is made that shouldn't be, the tests will fail from this error thrown from an unexpected request.

Solution 2

This is old but I used the following to test for this.

expect($httpBackend.flush).toThrowError('No pending request to flush !');
W Lambert
Author by

W Lambert

Updated on July 19, 2022


  • W Lambert
    W Lambert almost 2 years

    In an angularjs program I'd like to test with Jasmine if an http post is NOT performed in a test.

    I've try the following code :


    But I get "ReferenceError: $http is not defined"

  • W Lambert
    W Lambert over 10 years
    Ok, in other tests I test if $http.post is called with scope.httpBackend.expectPOST('MY_ENDPOINT', data) which works. Now in a test I want to test that a post request is not made. I don't see any post method in $httpBackend to do kind of test : expect(scope.httpBackend.post).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); Note that in beforeEach i've inject $httpBackend in my scope : scope.httpBackend = $httpBackend;
  • dz210
    dz210 over 8 years
    This is not entirely true. If you don't call $httpBackend.flush(), you will not get an unexpected request error. If you do call $httpBackend.flush() and the request is not made, you will get a No pending request to flush error. There must be a better way.