Java 8 Stream API toMap converting to TreeMap


Solution 1

You can use overloaded groupingBy method and pass TreeMap as Supplier:

TreeMap<User, List<Message>> map = list
                    () -> new TreeMap<>(new Usercomparator()), toList()));

Solution 2

If your list is sorted then just use this code for sorted map.

Map<String, List<WdHour>> pMonthlyDataMap = list
                .stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(WdHour::getName, TreeMap::new, Collectors.toList()));
Author by


Updated on April 23, 2021


  • Admin
    Admin about 3 years
    public class Message {
        private int id;
        private User sender;
        private User receiver;
        private String text;   
        private Date senddate;

    I have

    List<Message> list= new ArrayList<>();

    I need to transform them to

    TreeMap<User,List<Message>> map

    I know how to do transform to HashMap using;

    But I need TreeMap with: Key - User with newest message senddate first Value - List sorted by senddate newest first

    Part of User class

        public class User{
        private List<Message> sendMessages;
       public List<Message> getSendMessages() {
            return sendMessages;

    User comparator:

         public class Usercomparator implements Comparator<User> {
            public int compare(User o1, User o2) {
                return o2.getSendMessages().stream()
    .map(message -> message.getSenddate())
    .map(message1 -> message1.getSenddate())
  • Alexis C.
    Alexis C. about 8 years
    The values won't be sorted.
  • Kashif Ibrahim
    Kashif Ibrahim over 4 years
    This solution will give you the Map sorted by name, not by the sort order of the list.