Java, How to check if two 2d arrays contain the same values


Solution 1

Here is my solution. Rather simple to use.

int[][] array1 = {

int[][] array2 = {


System.out.println(Arrays.deepEquals(array1, array2));

Which prints true in this case.

The method sort2D is implemented as follows:

public static void sort2D(int[][] array) {
    for (int[] arr : array) {

    Arrays.sort(array, new Comparator<int[]>() {
        public int compare(int[] o1, int[] o2) {
            return new BigInteger(Arrays.toString(o1).replaceAll("[\\[\\], ]", ""))
                .compareTo(new BigInteger(Arrays.toString(o2).replaceAll("[\\[\\], ]", "")));

You can optimise it further by precompiling the regex but basically, you should get the idea.

Solution 2

If it doesn't matter if data in rows are the same, but shuffled we can just store all numbers from arrays into separate Lists and then compare them.

int[][] a1 = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } };
int[][] a2 = { { 4, 3 }, { 2, 1 } };

//lists to store arrays data
List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> list2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();

//lest place data from arrays to lists
for (int[] tmp:a1)
    for (int i:tmp)

for (int[] tmp:a2)
    for (int i:tmp)

//now we need to sort lists

//now we can compare lists on few ways

//1 by Arrays.equals using list.toArray() 
System.out.println(Arrays.equals(list1.toArray(), list2.toArray()));
//2 using String representation of List
//3 using containsAll from List object
if (list1.containsAll(list2) && list2.containsAll(list1))

//and many other probably better ways

If rows also have to contain same numbers (but can be shuffled like [1,2] [2,1] but not like [1,2][1,3]) you can do something like this

// lets say i a1 and a2 are copies or original arrays 
int[][] a1 = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } };
int[][] a2 = { { 4, 3 }, { 2, 1 } };
System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(a1));// [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(a2));// [[3, 4], [1, 2]]

// lets sort data in each row
for (int[] tmp : a1)
for (int[] tmp : a2)
System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(a1));// [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(a2));// [[3, 4], [1, 2]]

// Now I want to order rows by first stored number.
// To do that I will use Array.sort with this Comparator
Comparator<int[]> orderByFirsNumber = new Comparator<int[]>() {
    public int compare(int[] o1, int[] o2) {
        if (o1[0] > o2[0]) return 1;
        if (o1[0] < o2[0]) return -1;
        return 0;

// lets sort rows by its first stored number
Arrays.sort(a1, orderByFirsNumber);
Arrays.sort(a2, orderByFirsNumber);

// i wonder how arrays look 
System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(a1));// [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(a2));// [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

System.out.println("Arrays.deepEquals(a1, a2)="
        + Arrays.deepEquals(a1, a2));


[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
[[4, 3], [2, 1]]
[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
[[3, 4], [1, 2]]
[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
Arrays.deepEquals(a1, a2)=true

Solution 3

I suggest you sort those arrays first. If you don't want the values to move, you can simply create copies of the existing arrays and work with the copies.

Here's my code for this problem: (It sorts without the use of lists)

public class TwoDArraySort 
static int[][] arr1 = {{1,2,3,4,5}, {6,7,8,9,10}, {11,12,13,14,15}, {16,17,18,19,20}, {21,22,23,24,25}};
static int[][] arr2 = {{25,24,23,22,21}, {1,2,3,4,5}, {7,8,9,10,6}, {20,19,18,17,16}, {15,14,13,12,11}};

public static void main(String[]args) //The code below is meant to sort the second array
    int lowest;
    int switcher;
    int posX = -1;
    int posY = -1;

    for (int i=0; i<arr2.length; i++)
        for (int z=0; z<arr2[i].length; z++)
            lowest = arr2[i][z];

            for (int x=i; x<arr2.length; x++)
                if (x == i)
                    for (int y=z; y<arr2[x].length; y++)
                        if (arr2[x][y] <= lowest)
                            lowest = arr2[x][y];
                            posX = x;
                            posY = y;
                    for (int y=0; y<arr2[x].length; y++)
                        if (arr2[x][y] <= lowest)
                            lowest = arr2[x][y];
                            posX = x;
                            posY = y;
            switcher = arr2[i][z];
            arr2[i][z] = arr2[posX][posY];
            arr2[posX][posY] = switcher; //Switches the lowest value to the first position that hasn't been changed already

    System.out.println(isSame(arr1, arr2)); //Calls the isSame method and print the returned boolean

//This method returns true if the arrays are the same
public static boolean isSame(int[][] arr1, int[][] arr2)
    for (int x=0; x<arr1.length; x++)
        for (int y=0; y<arr1[x].length; y++)
            if (arr1[x][y] != arr2[x][y])
                return false;

    return true;

Hope this helps you

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • whiteberryapps
    whiteberryapps almost 2 years

    I need to check if two 2 dimensional arrays of [5][5] contain the same values even if one is shuffled.

    I need the method to return true if the two arrays contain the same values even if that are arranged in a different way like:

    • 1,2,3,4,5
    • 6,7,8,9,10
    • 11,12,13,14,15
    • 16,17,18,19,20
    • 21,22,23,24,25


    • 25,24,23,22,21
    • 1,2,3,4,5,
    • 7,8,9,10,6
    • 20,19,18,17,16
    • 15,14,13,12,11

    What is the best way to return true when both have the same values?