Java Web Start broken since JDK 1.7


Solution 1

We recently ran into this issue when people started installing Java 7 on their Windows boxes. We have instances of jar files on three different linux servers, and found that we could download the application from two of them, one remote and one local, but not the third, also local, server.

The key was in the codebase specification in the jnlp file. In order for the jar file to be successfully downloaded to a Windows box running Java 7, the codebase had to specify "https:..." rather than "http:...".

The remote server cited above is set up as a secure server, and so was specifically set up with https. Neither of the local servers are set up securely, but the one that worked just happened to use "https:" in the codebase specification. Changing the jnlp on the other server made it work as well. (Our jnlp is templated, and modified for each install outside of source control, hence the potential for differences.)

You may need to delete any non-working Applications listed in your Java Control Panel to synchronize with the new jnlp on your server: go into the General tab of the Java Control Panel (available from the Windows Control Panel), press the "View..." button under "Temporary Internet Files", and delete any non-working Applications.

Solution 2

For anyone who hasn't got access to the link provided by deepc: The bug mentioned is

Another bug I found in the Java bug DB that might match by description could be

Hopefully Java Web Start will work over HTTP again with u10 …

Update: In our case it turned out that AVG antivirus was the cause. In the AVG settings, disable both "Online Shield" and "Surf Shield", and the combination of Java 7, Windows 7 and plain HTTP did work. Or upgrade to the latest AVG 2012 version. Cf.

Solution 3

We encountered this problem also but fix was that the ServerName and AliasName in our Apache config file included the port number. ie When Java 7 compares the ServerName it does not match and the problem occurs. By removing the :443 from the name all is well.

Solution 4

While grw's answer is definitely correct, I worked around this problem by forcing 1.6 in my JNLP file:

-    <j2se version="1.6+" java-vm-args="-Xmx256M"/>
+    <j2se version="1.6" java-vm-args="-Xmx256M"/>

Use the second line in the patch above, without the plus. That should force Java 7 to download the files using a Java 6 JRE, which will then work.

Solution 5

When the user clicks the jnlp file, it launches the Java 7 splash screen, which then begins to download the resources we need. From there it simply hangs and the progress bar on the JWS launching app remains at zero percent.

FWIW, this can also be caused by a deadlock in Webstart which is only resolved in 7u10 (as of yet still in beta). See The deadlock seems to be between the GUI thread (e.g. for Java console) and a jar downloading thread.

Robert Petz
Author by

Robert Petz

.Net developer focusing on WPF and the Entity Framework. Spends most of his time trying to solve large scale data synchronization woes and working on best practices for round-tripping data between applications. Highly interested in implementing real-time technologies, such as SignalR, wherever absolutely possible. An Adobe Flex certified expert and professional software engineer. Proficient in many languages including C#, Java, Actionscript 3, and WPF XAML markup.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Robert Petz
    Robert Petz almost 2 years

    HERES THE ANSWER: It appears (through our testing) that Java 7 Web Start requires you to host your resources on a server using an SSL certificate. Your cert does NOT have to be signed, but unsigned certs will prompt the client with a trust message that they can ignore. See the below answer for more details

    We have an internal application which we have been using for many years now. In order to make maintenance easier for this application we have not provided an installable version of the application to our employees, we simply give them a link to a .jnlp and use JWS to launch it on their box. This has thus far worked fantastic, but as soon as any of our employees update to Java 7 the JWS system stops working on their computer. We have checked, rechecked, and even validated our JNLP schema and it's fine, which leads us to think there is an issue with Web Start itself.

    When the user clicks the jnlp file, it launches the Java 7 splash screen, which then begins to download the resources we need. From there it simply hangs and the progress bar on the JWS launching app remains at zero percent.

    Any ideas? It is very much caused from the fact that they upgrade to Java 7. In the mean time we have advised that all employees are to remain on Java 6 until further notice. All of our code is properly signed.

    Here's a copy of our JNLP:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
        <title>PEI Portal Application</title>
        <vendor>Petz Enterprises, Inc.</vendor>
        <jar href="PEIPortalLauncher.jar"/>
  • Robert Petz
    Robert Petz almost 12 years
    that is EXACTLY what the problem was. We have been looking everywhere for this solution and no where has it marked that they changed web start to require SSL when downloading it's resources in Java 7. Hopefully others will see this and get the solution now, thank you.
  • Robert Petz
    Robert Petz almost 12 years
    I just tested this out and it does appear to work, however I want to point out the caveat that you will still have to have a 1.6 JVM installed in order to actually get it to run (obviously). Thanks for the heads up though, we had not been including the aforementioned line and as such we hadn't even explored this route.
  • Ryan Shillington
    Ryan Shillington almost 12 years
    I believe the Java 7 vm will install the correct version if you ask for it with the line above. I'm not sure of that, but pretty sure.
  • Robert Petz
    Robert Petz almost 12 years
    from the way I understand the schema it will if you add the following href attribute: href="" Heres where I have found the most valuable information:
  • Robert Petz
    Robert Petz almost 12 years
    sounds like it could very well be the issue. We moved to SSL and resolved it, but this could be the root of why it doesn't work over unsecure connections still. I'll upvote, but I don't have any time to test this right now...still good information to have here for anyone else having a problem with earlier releases of Java 7, so thanks!
  • Fuhrmanator
    Fuhrmanator over 11 years
    @RyanShillington I just confirmed that 1.6 JRE will be installed.
  • Fuhrmanator
    Fuhrmanator over 11 years
    @RyanShillington but that it installed an old version... 6.0.0_105 (!)