Javascript set print stylesheet


Solution 1

This question is a little vague, so I'm not sure if I'm following what you're trying to do. Are you trying to dynamically modify the style of an object for print?

If so, you can try adding styles to the head, like the following:

$('head').append('<style type="text/css" media="print">Whatever styles</style>');

Solution 2

You are going to need to add a CSSStyleSheet to document.styleSheets and set the media type to print.

Leticia Meyer
Author by

Leticia Meyer

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Leticia Meyer
    Leticia Meyer about 2 years

    How would I modify the style of an object for the print stylesheet? I'm using jQuery, if that's of any help.

    I basically want to set a css property of an object, but have that property apply for print only, not screen. e.g. $('#myobject').css('background','white','print');