Javascript validation for multiple textboxes


You can get a collection of all these textboxes with document.getElementsByName. Then loop through them, and make sure at least one is filled in:

var allTbs = document.getElementsByName("Student_ID");
var valid = false;
for (var i = 0, max = allTbs.length; i < max; i++) {
    if (allTbs[i].value) { 
       valid = true;


Mr Man
Author by

Mr Man

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Mr Man
    Mr Man about 2 years

    I am having some trouble figuring out how to validate my textboxes using js. I have 10 textboxes, the user can fill out any number 1-10, but cant fill out 0. Here is the js that I have written, but it only returns true if all 10 textboxes are filled, rather than just checking if one is filled.

        function submitIt() {
        if (document.isForm.Student_ID.value == null) {
            alert ("You must enter a Colleague ID.");
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

    And here is the form.....

    <form name="isForm" onSubmit="return submitIt()">
        <input name="Student_ID" type="text" id="idField1" />
        <input name="Student_ID" type="text" id="idField2" />
        <input name="Student_ID" type="text" id="idField3" />
        <input name="Student_ID" type="text" id="idField4" />
        <input name="Student_ID" type="text" id="idField5" />
        <input name="Student_ID" type="text" id="idField6" />
        <input name="Student_ID" type="text" id="idField7" />
        <input name="Student_ID" type="text" id="idField8" />
        <input name="Student_ID" type="text" id="idField9" />
        <input name="Student_ID" type="text" id="idField10" />
        <input name="SUBMIT" type="submit" />

    I realize that I could change all of the names, and check each one, but I am trying to avoid that much clutter in my code, and am curious the best way to do this. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    • c0deNinja
      c0deNinja over 12 years
      you don't need to change all the names... you can simply loop through all the inputs inside your form tag and break out as soon as an input has a value.
  • Sikshya Maharjan
    Sikshya Maharjan over 12 years
    +1, I hadn't come across getElementsByName() before! So I was taking a slower way to do the same thing... =)
  • Adam Rackis
    Adam Rackis over 12 years
    @David - yeah, there's a lot of neat stuff in the dom that using jQuery can make you unaware of (I only knew it existed because I spend so much time here on SO :) )
  • Sikshya Maharjan
    Sikshya Maharjan over 12 years
    I must confess that I 'learned' jQuery first (the similarity with CSS-selection was its attraction), but I am now moving towards preferring 'plain' JavaScript, now. With the exception of handling cross-browser problems. Plus, to be fair, given other JavaScript means of accessing Node collections, I really should've guessed that getElementsByName() existed... =)
  • graphicdivine
    graphicdivine over 12 years
    Good answer. You could also use: var allTbs=document.isForm.Student_ID;
  • Adam Rackis
    Adam Rackis over 12 years
    That's a good point, @graphicdivine - would probably be even faster
  • Adam Rackis
    Adam Rackis over 12 years
    Although, I think you'd want document.forms["formID"].Student_ID.length
  • Jonathan Eustace
    Jonathan Eustace almost 8 years
    Formatting, it needs it.