Jenkins not starting in Ubuntu


Finally figured it out. I ran the command manually to run jenkins

/usr/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar /usr/share/jenkins/jenkins.war --webroot=/var/cache/jenkins/war --httpPort=8080 --ajp13Port=-1
Running from: /usr/share/jenkins/jenkins.war
Exception in thread "main" No space left on device

and it showed No space left on device. Apparently daemon script should have add this error in jenkins logs, but it was showing No error.


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NIlesh Sharma
Author by

NIlesh Sharma

A curious guy, looking for 'The Matrix' in this world

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • NIlesh Sharma
    NIlesh Sharma almost 2 years

    I have installed jenkins, it was working fine for a while, builds were working fine.

    Suddenly it stopped working. There is nothing in logs

    I tried restarting it, no error came up in logs, but still it's not running

    root@localhost:/home/nilesh# service jenkins restart
     * Restarting Jenkins Continuous Integration Server jenkins [ OK ] 
    root@localhost:/home/nilesh# service jenkins status
    Jenkins Continuous Integration Server is not running

    Any idea why it's not running ? The machine has 2 GB RAM.

    • user9517
      user9517 almost 9 years
      What do the relevant logs say ? If you can't see anything try increasing the jenkins log verbosity too.
    • NIlesh Sharma
      NIlesh Sharma almost 9 years
      Only yesterday logs are showing, when jenkins was running, besides restart command says OK, it should have shown some error, Even in syslog nothing is there related to jenkins failure
    • user9517
      user9517 almost 9 years
      Without logs or other relevant info we can only guess. I guess cosmic rays. More seriously, you need to check the jenkins logging options, increase the verbosity and come back with some relevant info.
  • Mr AJ
    Mr AJ over 6 years
    I ran this command and it reinstalled the Jenkins and I lost all earlier setup. Any way to just restart the service without reinstalling it
  • Ring
    Ring over 6 years
    This recently happened to me and I found the culprit: my server was hacked and is now mining bitcoins! Check top to see if any mysterious processes are consuming 99% of the processor.
  • Sandburg
    Sandburg almost 5 years
    Is it a good answer to your question? Didn't you ask to run it at startup? Which means runlevel and init.d ...
  • Dody
    Dody about 4 years
    be careful, this approach re-install Jenkins.