Jenkins: Pipeline sh bad substitution error


Solution 1

This turned out to be a syntax issue. Wrapping the command in ''s caused ${env.BUILD_NUMBER to be passed instead of its value. I wrapped the whole command in "s and escaped the nested. Works fine now.

sh "curl -v --user user:password --data-binary ${buildDir}package${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.tar -X PUT \"${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.tar\""

Solution 2

In order to Pass groovy parameters into bash scripts in Jenkins pipelines (causing sometimes bad substitions) You got 2 options:

The triple double quotes way [ " " " ] OR the triple single quotes way [ ' ' ' ]

  1. In triple double quotes you can render the normal parameter from groovy using ${someVariable} ,if it's environment variable ${env.someVariable} , if it's parameters injected into your job ${params.someVariable}



      sh """#!/bin/bash
      npm install
  1. In triple single quotes things getting little bit tricky, you can pass the parameter to environment parameter and using it by "\${someVaraiable}" or concating the groovy parameter using ''' + someVaraiable + '''



   sh '''#!/bin/bash
          cd ''' + YOUR_APPLICATION_PATH + '''
          npm install


     agent { node { label "test" } }
     environment {


     sh '''#!/bin/bash
          cd "\${YOUR_APPLICATION_PATH}"
          npm install

    sh '''#!/bin/bash
          cd "\${env.YOUR_APPLICATION_PATH}"
          npm install

Solution 3

Actually, you seem to have misunderstood the env variable. In your sh block, you should access ${BUILD_NUMBER} directly.

Reason/Explanation: env represents the environment inside the script. This environment is used/available directly to anything that is executed, e.g. shell scripts.

Please also pay attention to not write anything to env.*, but use withEnv{} blocks instead.

Solution 4

Usually the most common issue for:

Bad substitution

error is to use sh instead of bash.

Especially when using Jenkins, if you're using Execute shell, make sure your Command starts with shebang, e.g. #!/bin/bash -xe or #!/usr/bin/env bash.

Solution 5

I can definitely tell you, it's all about sh shell and bash shell. I fixed this problem by specifying #!/bin/bash -xe as follows:

node {
        sh'''#!/bin/bash -xe
            colls=( col1 col2 col3 )
            for eachCol in ${colls[@]}
              echo $eachCol
Stephen Nichols
Author by

Stephen Nichols

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Stephen Nichols
    Stephen Nichols almost 2 years

    A step in my pipeline uploads a .tar to an artifactory server. I am getting a Bad substitution error when passing in env.BUILD_NUMBER, but the same commands works when the number is hard coded. The script is written in groovy through jenkins and is running in the jenkins workspace.

    sh 'curl -v --user user:password --data-binary ${buildDir}package${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.tar -X PUT "${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.tar"'

    returns the errors:

    [Pipeline] sh
    [Package_Deploy_Pipeline] Running shell script
    /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Package_Deploy_Pipeline@tmp/durable-4c8b7958/ 2: 
    /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Package_Deploy_Pipeline@tmp/durable-4c8b7958/ Bad substitution
    [Pipeline] } //node
    [Pipeline] Allocate node : End
    [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
    ERROR: script returned exit code 2

    If hard code in a build number and swap out ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} I get no errors and the code runs successfully.

    sh 'curl -v --user user:password --data-binary ${buildDir}package113.tar -X PUT ""'

    I use ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} within other sh commands within the same script and have no issues in any other places.

  • Stephen Nichols
    Stephen Nichols almost 8 years
    Yea you nailed it, thanks for all the help. I missed your original comment somehow though, wish I would have read it sooner.
  • Eyal Ben Moshe
    Eyal Ben Moshe over 7 years
    Not directly related to this issue, but please consider using the Artifactpry Pipeline DSL. It provides a more convenient Groovy DSL than curl cmd executions, reducing the chance for syntax mistakes:…
  • Omer Tuchfeld
    Omer Tuchfeld over 5 years
    @BW use """ """
  • tripleee
    tripleee almost 3 years
    As long as any variables in the URL get substituted by Groovy and not by the shell, you can use single quotes instead of escaped double quotes around the URL.