Jenkins Publish TestNG Results not working


Eventually I found out that I need to use forward slash for TestNG plugin to locate the file (My Jenkins runs on Windows).

TestNG Reports Processing: START
Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: C:/workspace/project/target/surefire-reports/Suite1/UnitTests.xml;C:/workspace/project/target/surefire-reports/Suite2/UnitTests.xml
Saving reports...
Processing 'C:\programs\Jenkins\jobs\project\builds\2014-10-02_21-57-48\testng\testng-results-1.xml'
Processing 'C:\programs\Jenkins\jobs\project\builds\2014-10-02_21-57-48\testng\testng-results.xml'
TestNG Reports Processing: FINISH
Finished: SUCCESS

Also this reference helped:

Author by


Updated on July 25, 2022


  • CoolDude
    CoolDude almost 2 years

    I am running Jenkins 1.571. I am building my project with a pom.xml. I have two executions of maven-surefire-plugin to execute two testng suites in a forked mode.

    But Jenkins build#/testReport page shows test results for only first suite. Build logs show test cases from both suites are successfully executed.

    I want to include results from both suites into report, so I added Publish TestNG Results plug-in, but that doesn't show any results at all. Any idea on what I might be missing?

    In my Jenkins configuration, I specified 'TestNG XML report pattern' = '**/target/surefire-reports/testng-results.xml'

    Build log shows:

    TestNG Reports Processing: START
    Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: **/target/surefire-reports/testng-results.xml
    Did not find any matching files.
    Finished: SUCCESS

    My relevant pom.xml:

    <!-- run unit test cases -->