job scheduler in android N with less then 15 minutes interval


If someone is still trying to overcome the situation,

Here is a workaround for >= Android N (If you want to set the periodic job lower than 15 minutes)

Check that only setMinimumLatency is used. Also, If you are running a task that takes a long time, the next job will be scheduled at, Current JOB Finish time + PROVIDED_TIME_INTERVAL

.SetPeriodic(long millis) works well for API Level below Android N

public boolean onStartJob(final JobParameters jobParameters) {
    Log.d(TAG,"Running service now..");
    //Small or Long Running task with callback

    //Reschedule the Service before calling job finished
    if(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N)

    //Call Job Finished
    jobFinished(jobParameters, false );

    return true;

public boolean onStopJob(JobParameters jobParameters) {
    return false;

private void scheduleRefresh() {
  JobScheduler mJobScheduler = (JobScheduler)getApplicationContext()
  JobInfo.Builder mJobBuilder = 
  new JobInfo.Builder(YOUR_JOB_ID,
                    new ComponentName(getPackageName(), 

  /* For Android N and Upper Versions */
  if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
                .setMinimumLatency(60*1000) //YOUR_TIME_INTERVAL

UPDATE: If you are considering your repeating job to run while in Doze Mode and thinking about JobScheduler, FYI: JobSchedulers are not allowed to run in Doze mode.

I have not discussed about the Dozing because we were talking about JobScheduler. Thanks, @Elletlar, for pointing out that some may think that it will run even when the app is in doze mode which is not the case.

For doze mode, AlarmManager still gives the best solution. You can use setExactAndAllowWhileIdle() if you want to run your periodic job at exact time period or use setAndAllowWhileIdle() if you're flexible.

You can also user setAlarmClock() as device always comes out from doze mode for alarm clock and returns to doze mode again. Another way is to use FCM.

Reference: Doze Restrictions


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Updated on July 09, 2022


  • tomseitz
    tomseitz almost 2 years

    Part of my question, how I can set up a job with less then 15 minutes interval in "Nougat", was answerd by "blizzard" in his answer here:
    Job Scheduler not running on Android N
    He explained the problem and suggested to use the following workaround:

    JobInfo jobInfo;
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
      jobInfo = new JobInfo.Builder(JOB_ID, serviceName)
    } else {
      jobInfo = new JobInfo.Builder(JOB_ID, serviceName)

    However, using the suggested


    just starts the job once;
    but how do I get it periodic with a period of around 30 seconds on an android nougat device (not using handler or alarm manager)?

    • CommonsWare
      CommonsWare almost 8 years
      Doing something every 30 seconds, except when your app is in the foreground and actively being used by the user, is inappropriate in the eyes of users, who have complained loudly about battery consumption by background apps.
    • tomseitz
      tomseitz almost 8 years
      However, if you have users who wish to have the latest information available when they start their phone (maybe they are now without internet...), one needs a reliable background service. Or are you trying to tell me, that this is just plainly not possible? Then you could do so, without trying to teach me about things I know.
    • CommonsWare
      CommonsWare almost 8 years
      "if you have users who wish to have the latest information available when they start their phone" -- that does not require doing work every 30 seconds. "Or are you trying to tell me, that this is just plainly not possible?" -- there's nothing that will do this reliably, unless your app is in the foreground and is actively being used.
    • Akshat
      Akshat over 7 years
      as per the documentation, you can have either the setMinimumLatency() or setPeriodic(). Can't have both or else an exception will be thrown.…
    • Tiago Espinha
      Tiago Espinha about 7 years
      "if you have users who wish to have the latest information available when they start their phone" - sounds like you already figured out which event to use :) rather than continuously running in the background.
    • intrepidis
      intrepidis over 6 years
      I also want this to trigger every 20 or 30 seconds, but only while debugging. Waiting 15 minutes to see if your code works is a joke. Surely this should be an option in Android developer settings?
    • Akshay Mathur
      Akshay Mathur almost 6 years
      Waiting 15 mins for debugging is waste of time. Is there a Debug setting ?
    • MBentley
      MBentley almost 5 years
      While I understand that it is usually a bad idea to pound the processor, there are always exceptions to the rule. Unfortunately I have a business case where needs to track the phone and specifically needs updates faster than 15 minutes. While I appreciate that this is supposed to protect users, in the end it also makes it a lot harder to do some legit applications.
    • Pradeep Kumar
      Pradeep Kumar over 4 years
      I have also the same issue, my job scheduler also not working working when i have closed my application. Can any body suggest me, what will be solution
  • Thupten
    Thupten over 7 years
    Beware though, the jobscheduler times out in 1 minute. If your task takes more than a minute, the jobFinished will not run. onStopJob is called after the timeout. So if I were you, I would also reregister inside onStopJob as well.
  • Thupten
    Thupten over 7 years
    the limit of 1 min is on android 5.1.1
  • Elletlar
    Elletlar almost 6 years
    No discussion of doze? I find it difficult to believe that this solution will continue to work when the device is unplugged and the screen is turned OFF for SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N.
  • MRah
    MRah almost 6 years
    @Elletlar, I have not considered Doze mode when I answered this primarily because we are discussing about JobScheduler and in Doze mode JobSchedulers are restricted whether you set it lower or more than 15 mins. I use alarm manager if I must require to run a repeated service that frequently (including in doze mode). FCM can be used as well.
  • Elletlar
    Elletlar almost 6 years
    Thanks. I just thought it would have been good to mention that in the answer as many developers will only notice that behaviour after they've implemented it. I've been evaluating JobScheduler for one of my legacy apps, but I think setExactAndAllowWhileIdle in the AlarmManager still offers the best outcome for users that choose to set a frequent sync interval.
  • MRah
    MRah almost 6 years
    Yes, setExactAndAllowWhileIdle() if you are not flexible on the time and setAndAllowWhileIdle() if you're flexible offers the best outcome in doze mode. Btw, I am updating the answer as someone who has no idea about doze mode may not be following this discussion.
  • MRah
    MRah almost 6 years
    @Elletlar, updated the answer to include Doze mode. Thanks.
  • jhfdr3s
    jhfdr3s almost 6 years
    What source did you read that Job doesn't execute when Doze Mode ?
  • MRah
    MRah almost 6 years
    @GianGomen updated the answer and included dev documentation for doze.
  • jhfdr3s
    jhfdr3s almost 6 years
    Thank you.But it says that despite Doze mode blocks alarms, jobs,etc. It periodically runs a maintain method that allows pending works to execute. So I woudn't say that jobs are not executed when doze mode. "Periodically, the system exits Doze for a brief time to let apps complete their deferred activities. During this maintenance window, the system runs all pending syncs, jobs, and alarms, and lets apps access the network."…
  • Valentin Gjorgoski
    Valentin Gjorgoski almost 5 years
    I use AlarmManager, but after approximately 2 hours (every minute showing notification) don't execute anymore. alarmMgr = (AlarmManager)this.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); Intent intent = new Intent(this, NotificationBroadcastReceiver.class); PendingIntent alarmIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 1, intent, 0); alarmMgr.setInexactRepeating(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_W‌​AKEUP, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + INTERVAL_ONE_MINUTE, INTERVAL_ONE_MINUTE, alarmIntent); Log.d("Alarm", "Started");
  • MRah
    MRah almost 5 years
    @ValentinGjorgoski, did you check if your service is getting killed in any way after two hours? It's hard to find without reviewing the code.
  • Valentin Gjorgoski
    Valentin Gjorgoski almost 5 years
    @MRah Yes, service is killed, but I started service with AlarmManager. I think that AlarmManager need to start again. I tested that when service is started I force stop the service and it is started again, but why if OS kill service AlarmManager don't start. And that is on Oreo. I tested on 7.0 version and work good. Maybe problem is with foreground service...