joining tests from multiple files with mocha.js


Solution 1

If you want to include multiple modules into your describe hierarchy like you are doing in your question, what you are doing is pretty much it, unless you want to write a custom test loader for Mocha. Writing the custom loader would not be easier or make your code clearer than what you already have.

Here's an example of how I would change a few things. The test subdirectory in this example is organized as:

└── test
    ├── a
    │   └── a.js
    ├── b
    │   └── b.js
    ├── common.js
    └── top.js


function importTest(name, path) {
    describe(name, function () {

var common = require("./common");

describe("top", function () {
    beforeEach(function () {
       console.log("running something before each test");
    importTest("a", './a/a');
    importTest("b", './b/b');
    after(function () {
        console.log("after all tests");

The importTest function is just to show how it would be possible to handle the repetition of importing multiple modules without having to retype the whole describe(... require... thing every single time. The common module is meant to hold what you need to use in multiple modules of the test suite. I'm not actually using it in top but it could be used there, if needed.

I will note here that the beforeEach will run its code before each and every single test registered with it whether they appear inside the describe in top or they appear in any of the modules imported. With --recursive, the beforeEach code would have to be copied into each module or perhaps you'd have a beforeEach hook in each module that calls a function imported from a common module.

Also, the after hook will run after all tests in the suite. This cannot be replicated with --recursive. If you use --recursive and add the code of after to each module, it will be executed once per module rather than just once for the whole test.

Having all tests appear under a single top heading cannot be replicated by using --recursive. With --recursive each file could have describe("top" but this would create a new top heading for each file.


var chai = require("chai");

var options = {
    foo: "foo"

exports.options = options;
exports.chai = chai;
exports.assert = chai.assert;

Using a module named common like this is something I've done in some of my test suites to avoid having to require a bunch of stuff over and over and to hold global read-only variables or functions that don't keep state. I prefer not to pollute the global object like in thgaskell's answer because this object is truly global and accessible even in third party libraries your code may be loading. This is not something I find acceptable in my code.


var common = require("../common");
var options = common.options;
var assert = common.assert;

it("blah a", function () {


it("blah b", function () {});

Solution 2

Although this may not be directly linked to the question, the answer I was looking for was:

$ mocha --recursive

Will execute all tests in sub directories of the "test" folder. Neat. Saves having to maintain a list of tests that I want to load and actually just always run everything.

Solution 3

There's nothing that prevents you from running multiple test files. Generally, each test should not be dependent on the results of another test, so sharing variables isn't something you'd want to do.

Here's an example of how you could organize your test files.

├── app.js
└── test
    ├── common.js
    ├── mocha.opts
    ├── controllers
    │   ├── messages-controller.js
    │   └── users-controller.js
    └── models
        ├── messages-model.js
        └── users-model.js

Then inside of your mocha.opts file, make sure to set the --recursive option.


--ui bdd

If there are common modules that you want to include across all files, you can add that to the common.js file. Files at the root of the test directory will run before files in nested directories.


global.chai = require('chai');
global.assert = chai.assert;
global.expect = chai.expect;
chai.config.includeStack = true;

process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test';

// Include common modules from your application that will be used among multiple test suites.
global.myModule = require('../app/myModule');

Solution 4

I know this is an old post but I wanted to chime in with what has been a good solution to me, very similar to the method proposed by OP.

The project I'm working on is well tested and the tests keep growing. I ended up using require because it is synchronous and therefore makes it a bit easier to compose your tests without too much change in architecture:

// inside test/index.js

describe('V1 ROUTES', () => {

describe('V2 ROUTES', () => {

describe('V3 ROUTES', () => {

describe('ACTIONS', () => {

Solution 5

I had a similar problem where I had bunch of tests for classes in the same category and I wanted to group them together to make viewing them in an IDE easier. All of my tests and code were already using ES6 modules - I didn't want to rewrite all of them to use require like I saw in other examples.

I solved it by having my "grouping" describe exported, and then importing it into my test files and programmatically adding them to the imported describe. I ended up creating a helper method to abstract away all of the plumbing.

In someCategory.spec.js

const someCategory= describe("someCategory", () => {});

// Use this just like a regular `describe` to create a child of this scope in another file
export default function describeMember(skillName, testFn) {
  describe(skillName, function configureContext() {
    // Make context a child of `someCategory` context
    function Context() {}
    Context.prototype = someCategory.ctx;
    this.ctx = new Context();
    // Re-parent the suite created by `describe` above (defaults to root scope of file it was created in)
    // Invoke the fn now that we've properly set up the parent/context;

In individual tests:

import { default as describeCategoryMember } from './someCategory.spec';

describeCategoryMember('something', () => {
    describe('somethingElse', () => {

    it('a test', () => {
Author by


Updated on February 17, 2022


  • coiso
    coiso over 2 years

    I'm trying to join all the tests from multiple files in one file, something like this:

      describe('Controllers', function() {
        describe('messages.js', function() {
        describe('users.js', function() {

    I'm pretty sure this is not the best way to join tests, I'm having some dificulty finding examples of how to do this :s

  • thgaskell
    thgaskell over 9 years
    While I agree that you should not pollute global scope, I use this for the assertion libraries to keep the test files cleaner. It's not like you're overwriting global.process. Local variables will override global unless other libraries are explicitly calling global.XYZ which is unlikely. It only lasts for the duration of the tests. Hasn't hurt me yet, but I'll let you know the moment it bites me in the ass :)
  • Gavin
    Gavin almost 9 years
    Would anyone mind adding code for files in the controllers and models directories? It would be great to have a full example.
  • Suever
    Suever over 8 years
    It is best to add a description along with the code so that others can determine whether this is an acceptable answer.
  • Louis
    Louis over 8 years
    Why the loop? What is in ./Test.js? Who knows? For the record, I'm currently the top answerer in the mocha tag. I know Mocha inside and out but I cannot make sense of this answer.
  • Ian Jamieson
    Ian Jamieson about 8 years
    @Gavin - these will just be test suits so they would contain describe('mytest', function() { /* ..... etc */ });
  • caiosm1005
    caiosm1005 almost 8 years
    Best answer! Far simpler than other proposed solutions.
  • Louis
    Louis almost 8 years
    @caiosm1005 This answer is not actually solving the problem presented by the OP. Sure, if you do not need to do what the OP wants to do, then you should be using this. However, if you want to wrap each test file in multiple describe blocks, describe blocks that span files, --recursive won't do it. Seeing as it does not solve the OP's problem, I would not call it "best".
  • Ian Jamieson
    Ian Jamieson over 7 years
    @louis - I believe you can wrap each separate file in describe blocks
  • Louis
    Louis over 7 years
    @IanJamieson The OP is trying to have multiple files covered by a single describe block. Look at the question. The "Controllers" describe block should encompass the tests of ./controllertests/messages.js and ./controllertests/users.js. Slapping --recursive onto a Mocha invocation does not magically create a describe("Controllers" block.
  • Ian Jamieson
    Ian Jamieson over 7 years
    @Louis Just trying to help. Sorry if I offended you by trying to magically create describe blocks - which I actually learnt to do from Dumbledore himself.
  • CherryNerd
    CherryNerd over 7 years
    What is the difference between importTest and calling require('path')() for example?
  • Louis
    Louis over 7 years
    @CreasolDev The importTest function is just a convenience function. The important thing it does is wrap the require call in a describe block. It is important that the require call be wrapped in describe otherwise the modules won't be isolated in their own block and any hook set by the imported file will be set on the wrong block. If importTest was replaced with a direct call to require without a wrapping describe, then the modules a/a and b/b would share hooks. For instance, a beforeEach hook set in b/b would also run before each test in a/a.
  • Stijn de Witt
    Stijn de Witt about 7 years
    Do note that dynamic require (like what you are doing with require(path) where path is a variable) is not recommended, because it does not mesh well with tools like webpack that need to be able to statically analyze require calls. Instead it's better to accept a function i.s.o a path and call require inside the function. With arrow functions that's also pretty neat.
  • PositiveGuy
    PositiveGuy almost 7 years
    I would NOT run any logic such as beforeEach in your top level describe. Let each file do its own beforeEach "stuff". You will be coupling your tests to each other and unrelated implementation if you do this.
  • PositiveGuy
    PositiveGuy almost 7 years
    I'd also do the wrapping of describes in their respective files, not in the importTest function. Top level describes in each respective file should be describing their test suites purpose anyway
  • Akash Agarwal
    Akash Agarwal over 5 years
    @Louis seems like he wanted to run the tests n times using the loop.
  • PhillipJacobs
    PhillipJacobs about 2 years
    This is also what I was looking for. Thank you. I am using: mocha --exit --recursive ./*.tests.js