JPA string comparison


Solution 1

It might be a problem with string comparison in your JPA provider. Do you test it on the case-sensitive data?

You could also try (and it's the preferred way) using parameters instead of crafting your statement by hand. It's not only safer (prevents SQL injection) but also faster: not only for Java (you don't concatenate Strings) but also for the DB (the query can be prepared once for all executions). It might be something like this:

final String qstring = "SELECT e FROM Muser e WHERE = :name";
TypedQuery<Muser> query = em.createQuery(qstring, Muser.class);
query.setParameter("name", name);
user = query.getSingleResult();

Solution 2

I think problem is because of String comparison.My solution to this problem is:
using lowercase for comparison.

final String qstring = "SELECT e FROM Muser e WHERE LOWER( = :name";
TypedQuery<Muser> query = em.createQuery(qstring, Muser.class);
query.setParameter("name", name.toLowerCase());
user = query.getSingleResult();
Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    I've written a simple login system using a JPQL query, which always returns no result:

    public boolean check(String name, String password) {
        final String qstring="SELECT e FROM Muser e WHERE = '"+name+"'";
        Muser user;
            user = em.createQuery(qstring, Muser.class).getSingleResult();  
        catch(NoResultException e){
            return false;
        return password.equals(user.getPassword());

    When I changed it to a native query:

    user = (Muser) em.createNativeQuery(qstring, Muser.class).getSingleResult();

    or an int expression:

    final String qstring="SELECT e FROM Muser e WHERE = "+id; 

    It goes all right. What's the problem? Thanks a million!