JPA - Unknown entity bean class


Solution 1

define this entity in class tag inside the persistence.xml

Solution 2

According to the error message and what I figure from your code, the error seems to be in the persistence.xml file, can you be a bit more verbose ?

Author by


Updated on July 17, 2020


  • arinte
    arinte almost 4 years

    Hopefully, I can explain this issue properly. I have 3 classes that deals with my entities.

    public abstract class Swab implements ISwab {
        private Collection<SwabAccounts> accounts;
    public class DmsSwab extends Swab implements ISwab, Serializable {
        private ObjectPool pool;
        public ObjectPool getPool(){
            return pool;
    public class SwabAccounts implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
        private int swab_account_id;
        private int swab_id;

    And in a EJB a query is being doing this way

        DmsSwab dms = em.find(DmsSwab.class, 2);
        List<Swab> s = new ArrayList<Swab>(1);

    My persistence.xml looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <persistence version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <persistence-unit name="dflow-pu" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
          <property name="toplink.jdbc.user" value="dflow"/>
          <property name="toplink.jdbc.password" value="dflow"/>
          <property name="toplink.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:mysql://itcd-400447:3306/dflow"/>
          <property name="toplink.jdbc.driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>

    I get this error:

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown entity bean class: class, please verify that this class has been marked with the @Entity annotation. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown entity bean class: class, please verify that this class has been marked with the @Entity annotation.
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown entity bean class: class, please verify that this class has been marked with the @Entity annotation.
            at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.base.EntityManagerImpl.findInternal(
            at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerImpl.find(

    I am running netbeans 6.1 with the version of glassfish that comes with it. MySql 5.0.

  • arinte
    arinte over 15 years
    I found the answer. Netbeans/glassfish needs some work it seems. I had to undeploy, stop the server, and restart and then it worked fine.
  • James
    James almost 12 years
    ensure you close your EntityManagerFactory on undeploy