JqGrid addJSONData + ASP.NET 2.0 WS


Solution 1

The setup of the jqGrid looks fine.

Are you certain that what you get back in the jsondata.responseText is what you describe?

The webservice that I write in .NET returns JSON formatted like this:

{"d": "{”page”:”1″,”total”:”10″,”records”:”160″,”rows”:[{"id":"18","cell":"["18","BAM","Konvertibilna marka","977"]“}"

In my function I had to do this:

complete: function(data) {
    var stuff = JSON.parse(data.responseText);

I had to convert the string to JSON two times before I actually got the data I needed.

If you're having great problems. I suggest debugging this piece by piece. Execute a simple statement such as this:

jQuery("#list")[0].addJSONData(JSON.parse("{total: 1, page: 1, records: 1, rows : [ {id: '1', cell:['1', '2007-10-01', 'test', 'note', 'new', '200.00', '10.00', '210.00']} ] }"));

That should work at the very least. After that, just analyze the output you get from the web service and ensure that you can just get that statement to execute for 'complete'.

Solution 2

I'm also using a webservice to pass data to a jqGrid. I ran into the same problem and here is the code in the complete portion of the .ajax function.

complete: function(jsondata, stat) {
             if (stat == "success") {
                var thegrid = jQuery("#list2")[0];
                var jsonObject = eval('(' + jsondata.responseText + ')');

The key is the .d after the responseText is evaluated into a JSON Object.

Author by



Updated on June 04, 2022


  • MilosC
    MilosC almost 2 years

    I am a bit lost. I've tried to implement a solution based on JqGrid and tried to use function as datatype. I've setted all by the book I guess, I get WS invoked and get JSON back, I got succes on clientside in ajax call and I "bind" jqGrid using addJSONData but grid remains empty. I do not have any clue now... other "local" samples on same pages works without a problem (jsonstring ...)

    My WS method looks like:

            [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
            public string GetGridData()  
                 // Load a list 
                 SA.DB.DenarnaEnota.DenarnaEnotaDB db = new SAOP.SA.DB.DenarnaEnota.DenarnaEnotaDB();
                 DataSet ds = db.GetLookupForDenarnaEnota(SAOP.FW.DB.RecordStatus.All);
                 // Turn into HTML friendly format  
                 GetGridData summaryList = new GetGridData();
                 summaryList.page = "1";
                 summaryList.total = "10";
                 summaryList.records = "160";
                 int i = 0;
                 foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)  
                     GridRows row = new GridRows();
                     row.id = dr["DenarnaEnotaID"].ToString();
                     row.cell = "[" + "\"" + dr["DenarnaEnotaID"].ToString() + "\""
                                           + "," + "\"" + dr["Kratica"].ToString() + "\""
                                           + "," + "\"" + dr["Naziv"].ToString() + "\""
                                           + "," + "\"" + dr["Sifra"].ToString() + "\""
                              + "]";
                 return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(summaryList);

    My ASCX code is this:

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        datatype: function(postdata) {
            url: '../../AjaxWS/TemeljnicaEdit.asmx/GetGridData',
            data: '{}',
            dataType: 'json',
            type: 'POST',
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            complete: function(jsondata, stat) {
              if (stat == "success") {
                var clearJson = jsondata.responseText;
                var thegrid = jQuery("#list")[0];
                var myjsongrid = eval('(' + clearJson + ')');
                thegrid.addJSONData(myjsongrid.replace(/\\/g, ''));
        colNames: ['DenarnaEnotaID', 'Kratica', 'Sifra', 'Naziv'],
        colModel: [{
            name: 'DenarnaEnotaID',
            index: 'DenarnaEnotaID',
            width: 100
            name: 'Kratica',
            index: 'Kratica',
            width: 100
            name: 'Sifra',
            index: 'Sifra',
            width: 100
            name: 'Naziv',
            index: 'Naziv',
            width: 100
        rowNum: 15,
        rowList: [15, 30, 100],
        pager: jQuery('#pager'),
        sortname: 'id',
        //  loadtext:"Nalagam zapise...",
        // viewrecords: true, 
        sortorder: "desc",
        // caption:"Vrstice", 
        // width:"800",
        imgpath: "../Scripts/JGrid/themes/basic/images"

    from WS I get JSON like this:

    {”page”:”1″,”total”:”10″,”records”:”160″,”rows”:[{"id":"18","cell":"["18","BAM","Konvertibilna marka","977"]“},{”id”:”19″,”cell”:”["19","RSD","Srbski dinar","941"]“},{”id”:”20″,”cell”:”["20","AFN","Afgani","971"]“},{”id”:”21″,”cell”:”["21","ALL","Lek","008"]“},{”id”:”22″,”cell”:”["22","DZD","Alžirski dinar","012"]“},{”id”:”23″,”cell”:”["23","AOA","Kvanza","973"]“},{”id”:”24″,”cell”:”["24","XCD","Vzhodnokaribski dolar","951"]“},{”id”:”25″,”cell”:”
    ["13","PLN","Poljski zlot","985"]“},{”id”:”14″,”cell”:”["14","SEK","Švedska krona","752"]“},{”id”:”15″,”cell”:”["15","SKK","Slovaška krona","703"]“},{”id”:”16″,”cell”:”["16","USD","Ameriški dolar","840"]“},{”id”:”17″,”cell”:”["17","XXX","Nobena valuta","000"]“},{”id”:”1″,”cell”:”["1","SIT","Slovenski tolar","705"]“}]}

    I have registered this JavaScript:

    clientSideScripts.RegisterClientScriptFile("prototype.js", CommonFunctions.FixupUrlWithoutSessionID("~/WebUI/Scripts/prototype-"));
    clientSideScripts.RegisterClientScriptFile("jquery.js", CommonFunctions.FixupUrlWithoutSessionID("~/WebUI/Scripts/JGrid/jquery.js"));
    clientSideScripts.RegisterClientScriptFile("jquery.jqGrid.js", CommonFunctions.FixupUrlWithoutSessionID("~/WebUI/Scripts/JGrid/jquery.jqGrid.js"));
    clientSideScripts.RegisterClientScriptFile("jqModal.js", CommonFunctions.FixupUrlWithoutSessionID("~/WebUI/Scripts/JGrid/js/jqModal.js"));
    clientSideScripts.RegisterClientScriptFile("jqDnR.js", CommonFunctions.FixupUrlWithoutSessionID("~/WebUI/Scripts/JGrid/js/jqDnR.js"));

    Basically I think it must be something stupid... but I can't figure it out now...

  • MilosC
    MilosC about 15 years
    I get json like the one posted because i use non .net JSON serializer.
  • Robert Luong
    Robert Luong about 15 years
    Right, just double-checking. Did you try attempting to just execute the function on your own, during the document.ready or during an onclick function? Just to see if it adds it on its own?