jqGrid search filter questions



Your question seems to be more of a statement, but if you're looking for various options for jqgrid, take a look at:

New in Version 3.5 > Integrated Search Toolbar

This allows you to interactively search and it respects the Enter key.

However, you lose operators... but I suppose you could modify the code that's given to add something similar back in (or bundle your operator in with the text....ie, user enters "> 400" rather than "400", but this poses security risks)


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Updated on April 17, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years

    Have two questions.

    1. Make the search filter form non modal.

    2. Allow searching by pressing enter key instead of having to press the Find button. thanks.

    • Sergey
      Sergey over 14 years
      I'm also looking to make search filter non modal, to have a an api that you can execute and filter data
    • Daveo
      Daveo over 14 years
      Did you ever find a solution to this? non modal search window? The integrated search is less then ideal! The edit form seems ok as you can do edittype:"checkbox",editoptions:{value:"Yes:No",defaultValue‌​:"Yes"} but there does not seem to be the same support for searching. Maybe some way you can hiJack their post/gets and add your own paramaters?
    • Benubird
      Benubird over 13 years
      Sounds like a feature request to me - perhaps you should be asking this of the jqgrid programmers?