jquery, add div with class definition


Solution 1

You need .append or .prepend to add a div to the container. See my version below,

var $sparkLines = $('.sparkLines');
   .append('<div id="id' + 
            ($sparkLines.length + 1) + 
            '" class="sparkLines">Some Stuff Here</div>')

Also I noticed that you have id of the div as #sparkLineContainer. You should change it as below,

<div id="sparkLineContainer"> 


Solution 2

add does not do what you think it does. You are looking for append or something similar.

You can create the div first and define its attributes and contents, then append it:

var $newDiv = $("<div/>")   // creates a div element
                 .attr("id", "someID")  // adds the id
                 .addClass("someClass")   // add a class
                 .html("<div>stuff here</div>");


Solution 3

You can add a div or any other tag along with class like:

$('<div/>',{ class : 'example'}).appendTo("p");

Solution 4

Probably the easiest way is to just modify the innerHTML:

$("#sparkLineContainer").append('<div class="sparkLine" id="id1"></div>');

There's other ways as well, but this is the method I generally use.

Author by


Updated on July 23, 2022


  • rd42
    rd42 almost 2 years

    So I see here how to add a div and here how to add a class but I'm having trouble combining the two. I want to generate a whole bunch of div's with a specific class and id within the div sparkLineContainer.

    I have the containing div

    <div id="#sparkLineContainer"></div>

    and I want to add a bunch of the following to it

        <div id="#sparkLineContainer">
            <div class="sparkLines" id="id1">Some stuff here</div>
            <div class="sparkLines" id="id2">Some stuff here</div>
            <div class="sparkLines" id="id3">Some stuff here</div>
    // and so on

    snippet - I didn't make it very far, I'm stumped

    $('#sparkContainer').add("div");  \\ How do I add the id and class to this div?
                                      \\ And as a repeat the function will it overwrite this?

    The function I'm trying to do this with.

    function renderSparklines (array1, sparkLineName, id) {
    // array1 is the data for the spark line
    // sparkLineName is the name of the data.  
    // Turn all array values into integers
        // Create new div of class sparkLines
        // Render new spark line to
    $('.sparkLines').sparkline(array1, {width:'90px'});
    var htmlString = "";  //  Content to be added to new div
        htmlString += 
                    '<font class = "blueDescriptor">' + sparkLineName + '</font>'+
                    '<font class = "greyDescriptorSmall">Ship to Shore</font>'+
                    '<font class = "blackDescriptorSparkLine">' + array1[array1.length-1] + '</font>'+
                    '<font class = "greenDescriptorSparkline">(' + (array1[array1.length-1] - array1[array1.length-2]) + ')</font>' +


  • Selvakumar Arumugam
    Selvakumar Arumugam about 12 years
    Will replace the existing div contents inside #sparkLineContainer. No good!
  • Jason Kaczmarsky
    Jason Kaczmarsky about 12 years
    Modified it to append. I was assuming it was empty at start.
  • rd42
    rd42 about 12 years
    I used the same code but with my div names etc. and no div was added to the content and no error either.
  • rd42
    rd42 about 12 years
    I used the same code but with my div names etc. and no div was added to the content and no error either.
  • rd42
    rd42 about 12 years
    I used the same code but with my div names etc. and no div was added to the content and no error either.
  • Selvakumar Arumugam
    Selvakumar Arumugam about 12 years
    @rd42 Works for me jsfiddle.net/skram/KU4Ry/1 . Also in the markup make sure to change the div ID to sparkLineContainer not `#sparkLineContainer'.
  • rd42
    rd42 about 12 years
    Thanks, I was just trying to JSFiddle it
  • rd42
    rd42 about 12 years
    I'm still futzing with it. It works in jsfiddle but not in my code yet. I'm still trying...
  • James Montagne
    James Montagne about 12 years
    All of the posted answer should work, if they don't then you're doing something wrong in applying them.
  • Jason Kaczmarsky
    Jason Kaczmarsky about 12 years
    Well in your code you have the container id as "#sparkLineContainer", when it should be just "sparkLineContainer". Not sure if that was a typo on SO though.